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Final list and edits


Compiled and edited by:
Tendai R. Mwanaka
Daniel Da Purificação

About editors

Tendai Rinos Mwanaka is an editor, mentor, writer, visual artist and musical artist with close to 20 books published which include among others, Frontiers, Wild, Semi-Wild, Human… (Photographic book), Zimbolicious Poetry Anthologies (Anthology series of Zimbabwean poets), Playing To Love’s Gallery (poetry book), Keys in the River (short stories novel), Voices from Exile (poetry book), Counting The Stars (poetry book), and many more here: He writes in English and Shona. His work has appeared in over 400 journals and anthologies from over 27 countries. Work has been translated into Spanish, French and German.

Daniel da Purificação, was born in 1983 in some place called Angola. He has a Bachelor diplome and Masters Degree. He likes to speak and read, is always thinking and writing all the time. Since 2002 he has lived out of the place where he was born. He is a Honour invited at Hispanamerican Writers summit HORAS DE JUNIO that happens every year in Sonora (México). He also works as a journalist on rádio and a freelancer, teacher at university, is a public policy consultant... He is also a recommended facilitator and he talks about society, philosophy, politics, education, democracy... He has two collections of poems (THE ANGOPOEMS and INTERMITENCIAS) that he hopes will be postdeath publications... Now he lives between México and Angola.

Contributors Bio Notes

Pushcart Prize nominee, Abigail George is a South African blogger, poet, short story writer and aspirant young adult novelist and playwright. She briefly studied film at the Newtown Film and Television School in Johannesburg followed by a stint as a trainee at a production house. She is the recipient of grants from the National Arts Council, the Centre for the Book and ECPACC. Her poems have been widely published in anthologies, in print in South Africa and zines based in Australia, India, Ireland, Finland and all over Africa. She has written a novella, books of poems and short stories.

Abubakar Bappa was born in Girei, Adamawa State. He attended University of Maiduguri for his B.A (Ed) English Literature (1992), Bayero University Kano for M.A. (2002) and Ph.D. English literature (2012). Presently he teaches African literature and modern European fiction at the Federal University Kashere Gombe State Nigeria.

Adeyemi Daramola (PhD, Macquarie) is Professor of English and Linguistics in the Department of English, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria. He graduated BA (Hons) [Second Class Upper Division) and MA at the University of Lagos in 1983 and 1985 respectively. As a Commonwealth Scholar, he obtained Doctor of Philosophy at the prestigious Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, in Australia in 1994. Though a linguist, he has published poems in Africa, USA, and Australia. His book of poetry with the title OKEMESI – POEMS BY AN AFRICAN ON AFRICA AND AUSTRALIA is forthcoming.

Adjei Agyei-Baah is a co-founder of Poetry Foundation Ghana and Africa Haiku Network. He is a lecturer, editor, translator, and leader of a ‘nativized’ haiku movement dubbed Afriku. He is a widely anthologized poet and winner of several international awards. Adjei is the author of “AFRIKU” and “Ghana 21”, with the duo being his maiden book and chapbook respectively. Adjei is currently working on the poetry anthology, “Sunrise East & Sunset West”, a Ghanaian/Kenyan poetry collection in honor of the late Professor Kofi Awoonor, the Ghanaian scholar and poetry legend, with Dr. Wanjohi Wa Makokha, a Kenyan literary critic and scholar.

Agbabiaka, Tariq O. “Abu Hurayrah”, a Nigerian, finished with a first class honours, from the Department of Microbiology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria in August 2015. Currently, he is a Quality Control Intern at a sterile pharmaceutical company – located in the ancient city of Ilorin, 492.5km from Abuja – that produces infusion fluids. He writes when he’s not reading and loves cats.

AGBEMELE Kodjo: Je suis Togolais et je vis au Togo. Je suis auteur de deux roman, Interface et Celles qui n’attendent pas. Je suis lauréat de prix nationaux et internationaux. Je suis directeur général de la maison d’édition AGAU Editions.

Akhona Mlenga is a twenty year old artist who goes by the name of Milena Faith, born in December 1996 on the 18th and bred in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape. She is in her third year studying towards her Environmental health degree at the Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. She is a writer, poet, singer and dancer and has recently delivered a performance at Galerie NOKO, on the 6th of October 2017, published one of her poems on Fundza Magazine and is currently working on her first manuscript to be published in 2018. Akhona was raised by her mother after her father passed away when she was only six years old. The death of her father impacted hers and her siblings' lives tremendously as the mother could not financially afford all their needs, none the less, she is striving for the best!

Akor Emmanuel Oche is a Nigerian Poet, Critic, Essayist and thinker. His works have been published to well spoken reviews both home and abroad. In outlets such as, AFAS review, Sevhage Reviews, Praxis Magazine, Expound Magazine, Loops of Hope (2016), Ann Arbor Review, Tuck International Magazine, Amanzi Water Journal, The Nigerian Voice among a host of others. He is a shortlisted poet for the 2017 Babishai Haiku Prize and serves as General Secretary of The Africa Haiku Network. When he is not writing, you can find him in some private corner in a public place observing people.

Akpa Arinzechukwu is a Nigerian photographer and writer. His work has been published by or featured in Sou'wester, London Grip Poetry, Eastlit, ITCH, New Contrast and elsewhere. He was a finalist for the Sophiamay Poetry Contest and on the longlist for the Koffi Addo Prize for Creative Nonfiction.

The name is Alade Toheeb Oluwatoyin. I was born and nurtured in lagos city, Nigeria, but I hail from the Yoruba speaking part of the north central state of kwara, Nigeria. I got my first inspiration for arts through my brother who is a trained stage-actor, and my father who does oral poetry in my local language."Ancestral Fetters" won the first prize for 10-day poetry challenge November edition in 2016 organized by Poets In Nigeria (PIN).

Je me nomme Alain 5 Ba’aba, de mon vrai nom Abanda J. Alain. Je suis né à Ombessa (arrondissement, dans la région du Centre-Cameroun), en 1993. J’ai obtenu un baccalauréat de Lettres au Lycée d’Ombessa en 2013. Je viens de publier mon premier recueil de poésie, aux Editions Soleil, courant juin 2017.Il s’intitule Pourquoi ? (code ISBN : 0021101983306); un boulevard de questions visant à justifier l’urgence de l’humanisme dans la société actuelle. Nouveau dans le paysage littéraire, je fais partir de plusieurs groupes d’animation jeune. J’ai publié plusieurs poèmes dans L’ACJL (association (Canadienne) pour la création littéraire chez les jeunes. slameur du groupe Camerounais  « 237 paroles », Actuellement je fais des études en économie et Gestion. Mes textes sont pour la plupart engagés.

Alexander Ernesto Khamala Namugugu Opicho was born in Bokoli village, Bungoma District, in the former Western province of Kenya. He went to primary and secondary schools in Western Kenya. He studied Accountancy, then governance and leadership at the University. He is currently pursuing a PhD course in management with a focus on the gender fluids as managers. He has published poetry and essays with Ghana poetry foundation, Kalahari Review, Babishai Poetry, Face2face Africa, BUWA issue 6, Lunaris review, Afridiaspora magazine, Awaaz Magazine, Nairobi Law Monthly, Nairobi Business Daily, Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology, Management Magazine, Transnational Journal of literature at Flinders University, The East African, the East African Standard and, Queer Africa Literary Association, African Voices, on the He has published online more than two hundred essays, several literary criticisms and over six hundred poems. His five books are with the publisher. He believes that the praxis of literature is the practice of freedom.

Allan Kolski Horwitz grew up in Cape Town. Between 1974-1985, he lived in the Middle East, Europe and North America, returning to live in Johannesburg in 1986. Since then he has worked in the trade unions and social housing movements. He continues to be a writer in various genres as well as being an educator and activist, he is a member of the Botsotso Jesters poetry performance group and of the Botsotso publishing editorial board.

Amani Nsemwa: I’m a farmer, a lazy one, 24 years of age. Though I like making love as much as I like coffee, the lords haven’t yet blessed me with a kid or a wife. My ex just left me three days ago; she says the fact that she’s taller than me gives her a headache. Been six years since I started to write; I started with letters, then when there was no one to write to I ended up in poetry, when I was wooing a noble chick.

Amara Sesay is a Sierra Leonean writer, education innovator and freelance journalist currently based in Nigeria. He is a fellow of Ebedi International Writers Residency and he has been published in various media outlets

Amina Aboje expresses herself in both poetry and prose. A member of the Abuja Writers’ Forum, her poems and short stories have severally topped the AWF Writing challenge series. In 2016, she won the Mandela Day Poetry Prize. She’s also the third place winner (in the poetry category) of the maiden edition of the Communicators League writing contest. She is the author of Promises on Sand, a collection of poems. Aboje who is an independent editor, also finds pleasure in teaching poetry. She works and lives in Abuja, Nigeria.

Born in Bungoma County and educated at Friends School Kamusinga (West of Kenya), Andrew Nyongesa is a novelist and teacher with great passion for English language and literature. Some of his published works are The Water Cycle (2012), Worms in the Lounge (2012), The Rise of Rodedom (2013) and The Endless Battle (2016); all of which spin around postcolonial theory- the struggle of the underdog to subvert the values of the dominant group. Surmount the Essay World (2012) and Dissecting Poetry (2013) are students’ revision books in essay writing and poetry respectively. His writing draws from his long experience as a teacher of English and writer of students’ books. His publications can be traced at his author website, He is a holder of Masters of Arts (Literature) from Kenyatta University and is currently pursuing PhD in the same field. He is a teacher at Munyu High School, Naivasha and assistant lecturer of literature at Mount Kenya University, Thika Campus.

I’m Anene Anne, a poet. The more I write, the more alive I am

Anton Krueger's books include Sunnyside Sal (2010), Experiments in Freedom: Issues of Identity in New South African Drama (2010), Shaggy (with Pravasan Pillay, 2011) and Everyday Anomalies (2011). Anton’s plays have been performed in many different countries and have been nominated for numerous awards in South Africa, including the FNB VITA and the Olive Schreiner Awards. He was a runner up for the Dalro Poetry prize for 2010 and Experiments in Freedom won the Rhodes Vice Chancellor’s Book award, while his Afrikaans play Altyd was shortlisted for the RSG radio drama prize and broadcast in 2013. His radio drama Easter Island was shortlisted out of 1000 entries for the BBC World Radio Drama award of 2016.

Archie Swanson is a 61 year old poet-surfer living in George, South Africa. His poems appear in English Alive 50 (an anthology of 50 years of South African high school writing), the 2014 and 2016 McGregor Poetry Festival Anthologies and in the 2015 and 2016 Best New African Poets Anthologies as well as the Experimental Writing: Africa vs Latin America Volume 1. His poems are also to be found in the prominent South African quarterly poetry magazines- New Contrast and Stanzas. Last year three of his poems were translated by Spanish poet Martín López-Vega and published in the Spanish newspaper, El Mundo. He was a guest poet at the Mcgregor Poetry Festival in 2016 and 2017.

Johannesburg-based Arja Salafranca has published three collections of poetry, A Life Stripped of Illusions, which received the Sanlam Award for poetry in 1994, The Fire in which we Burn; and Beyond Touch (2015) a co-winner of the SALA Awards. Her fiction has been published online, in anthologies and journals, and is collected in her debut collection, The Thin Line, long-listed for the Wole Soyinka Award. She has participated in a number of writers conferences, and has edited two anthologies. Her next book, a collection of personal and travel essays, is to be published by Modjaji Books. Online at:

Arlindo Mendonça Andrade nasceu em Cabo Verde, ilha de Santiago. Na Universidade Lusófona, em Lisboa, licenciou-se em Ciências da Comunicação e da Cultura e tirou o mestrado em Ciência Política - Cidadania e Governação. Compositor e cantor com dois Cds publicado. Como poeta é representante de Cabo Verde na Academia Virtual dos Poetas da Língua Portuguesa. Em 2017 publicou o seu primeiro livro de poesia “Para Além do Mar” e participou na Antologia Comemorativa do IV Encontro de Poetas da Língua Portuguesa.

Armel Fernand Mbida Ebo'o est né le 19 mars 1981 au Cameroun. Il a découvert la poésie grâce aux écrivains français Victor Hugo et Baudelaire, ainsi qu'à travers l'écrivain espagnol Federico García Lorca. Il a étudié le Commerce International ce qui lui a permis de connaître d'autres cultures. Pour écrire, il s'inspire de l'histoire des villages dominés par les nations impérialistes. Il se définit lui-même comme "amoureux des gens et de la nature".

My name is Awusa Nebafor Beven, I am from Cameroon and currently reside in Yaounde, capital of the country. I am a passionate writer, with a couple of poems and unpublished short stories. I am currently coordinating a project with youths to empower young Cameroonians within the nation as well as abroad via our platform Empower Vision. (

Ayomide Odewumi Mitchelle: I am a Nigerian year twelve Science student of Corona Secondary School. I’m the third of three children of Professor and Dr. Mrs Odewumi. I’m fifteen years old and I like music, researching, reading, designing, swimming and writing

Babajide Michael Literati Olusegun writes poetry for several reasons. He is the representative of Africa Haiku Network in Lagos and the founder of The Parliament of Poets in University of Lagos where he studies for a degree in law. He is also a spoken words artiste and a Human rights enthusiast. He is a graduate of Literature-in-English from Obafemi Awolowo University. He has works written in all genres of literature. Babajide Michael Olusegun writes from Nigeria; he is an indigene of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria and was shortlisted for the Babisai Niwe Ugandan Poetry Prize in 2015.

Badradeen Mohammed, is a Sudanese poet who grew up in Khartoum North and lives currently in Glasgow, United Kingdom. He writes in both Arabic and English; currently studying IT at City of Glasgow College.

Barbara Mhangami is a fierce social justice warrior, with passion for safety of women and girls and community building. She remains invested in the continent of Africa, its development and its people. She writes about Africa and considers herself an African woman in America

Beaton Galafa is a Malawian writer of poetry, fiction and nonfiction. He loves poetry because of the many lives it gives him. His works have appeared in The Maynard, South 85 Journal, Birds Piled Loosely, The Voices Project, Bhashabandhan Literary Review, Dwarts Magazine, The Wagon Magazine, Alice and Atlas Literary Journal, The Kalahari Review, Betrayal and The Seasons.

Beloved Maridzanyere is a young man of relentless pursuit with single-minded determination, aged twenty-one. He attended his primary education at Nyamashato Primary School and Makomo Primary School, O level at Epworth High school, and A level at Nyatsime College. Currently studying Mechatronics Engineering (Honours degree) at Chinhoyi University. He writes poetry, short stories and novels. Also a spoken word poet holding to one goal with the “House Of Hunger Poet Slam” in reviving the poetry world and he is a member of Writers International Network Zimbabwe since 2012. His literal works are constructed by vibrating emotional strings that are always struck by nature and humanity.

Biola Olatunde is a Poet, novelist, playwright/producer and blogger, has been writing for the last 40 years, has written and produced plays for international organizations like; UNFPA,USAID, UNICEF, on intervention issues from HIV/AIDS, Communication strategies, Maternal health, Democracy etc.., has been part of poetry anthologies internationally and locally. Some international anthologies include: Lummox favourite poems around the world; Tribute to Todd Moore; Contemporary Literary Horizon—Romania. Biola is a member of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) . Published Novels include, Blood Contract, Numen Yeye, Rose of Numen, Numen!, Sunset Tales (ebook)

Blessing .T.Masenga is a bold word guerilla, a fiery poet through his writings he tirelessly and boldly seek to strip nude the oppression and the violations of basic human rights

Brighton Muponda is a Zimbabwean author born on the first of November 1986. He stays in the city of Masvingo, Zimbabwe. He co-authored a poetry anthology called Dzinonyandura which was written in Shona, a native language spoken by the majority of people in Zimbabwe. He is a technician by profession who specializes in cellphone hardware and software technology.

My name is Bolutife Bankole. I’m a student of University if Ibadan, Sociology department. I started writing professionally this year and I’m currently working on a debut Anthology that is due for early next year.

Branca Clara das Neves (pseud.). Nasceu no Moxico, Leste de Angola. A sua vida profissional tem acontecido em Lisboa, Maputo, Praia, Luanda e Bissau. Escreve para vários blogues, nomeadamente Publicou em 2014, Luena Luanda Lisboa: fala de Maria Benta, livro editado pela Colibri e o audiolivro da mesma obra em 2016 com o Estúdio de Filipe Santo.

Busisiwe Mahlangu is writer born in Pretoria, South Africa. She is currently studying for a BA in Creative Writing at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Busisiwe is the champion of the Tshwane Speak Out Loud Youth Poetry Competition 2016/2017 and winner of Another Kind of Slam hosted by Mzansi Poetry Academy. Her poetry is published on Naane Le Moya, Ja Magazine, Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Anthology volume 7 and forthcoming on the Kalahari review.

Butho Nkosi: 1 am a young man born in 1990 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe but I currently reside in Witbank South Africa. I hold a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in English and Communication from Midlands State University. I started writing poetry and short stories at a tender age though I have not published any work thus far. My work mainly focuses on national identity, urban culture, sexuality and youth revolt in the post independent nation.

Canhanga Soberano nasceu no Libolo, Angola, em 1976. Licenciado em Comunicação Social e mestrando em Ciências Empresariais. Trabalhou em diversos media nacionais e estrangeiros. Leccionou na Universidade Lweji A Nkonde e no Instituto Superior Politécnico Lusíada da Lunda Sul. Foi assessor de comunicação da diamantífera Catoca e dirige o Gabinete de Recursos Humanos do Ministério da Geologia e Minas.Publicou: “O Sonho de Kaúia” (romance-2010), “Manongo-Nongo” (contos-2012), “10encantos (poesia -2013), “O Relógio do Velho Trinta” (romance-2014), “O coleccionador de pirilampos” (Contos-2014) e “Canções ao vento” (poesia 2015). No prelo: ”Amor sem Pudor” (poesia).

Catherine Boulle is a writer and researcher based in Cape Town, South Africa. She has a Masters in English from Oxford, and works at the Institute for Creative Arts (ICA), University of Cape Town.

Cátia Solange da Costa Carneiro Belchior da Silva, Data de Nascimento: 02/06/1987 Nacionalidade: Angolana. Luanda. Licenciatura: comunicação social pela Universidade católica portuguesa de Lisboa. Etic: especialização em comunicação publicitária. Pós-graduação: Gestão de Marketing IPAM

Raised in St. Louis, Missouri, and San Bernardino, California, Chaun Ballard is a graduate of the MFA Program at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. For eight years now, he and his wife have been teaching in the Middle East and West Africa. Chaun Ballard‘s poems have appeared or are forthcoming , Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Chiron Review, Columbia Poetry Review, Frontier Poetry, International Poetry Review, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Rattle, and other literary magazines. His work has appeared in both Best New African Poets 2015 and Best New African Poets 2016 Anthologies

Chenjerai Mhondera is a novelist, poet, performer, playwright, actor and songwriter. He is a patron and founder of Young Writers Club in Mabelreign-Warren Park district. He comes from the Eastern highlands, lives in Zimbabwe and is a citizen of the world.

Chigbu, Godswill Uchechukwu is a budding Nigerian poet. He studied English Education at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is the pioneer editor of Ogene-Uche journal, A New African and World Writing of ARTS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA.

My name is Cherret Leakey Ndiwa, born and brought up in Kenya. Currently, I am in Taiwan for college studies. I am an upcoming writer, not yet published big.

Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto (@ChinuaEzenwa) is a Nigerian and a lover of literature. His works have won the Association Of Nigerian Author’s Literary Award for Mazariyya Ana Teen Poetry Prize 2009; National Association Of Students Of English Language and Literary Studies Certificate of Honour as the Best Student Poet 2012, Delsu Chapter. He became a runner-up in Etisalat Prize For Literature, Flash fiction, 2014 with I Saved My Marriage. He also has contributed his works in Of Minstrelsy and Mask, Matatu, Germany; Awka Journal Of English Language and Literature; Lunaris Review; AFREADA; KALAHARI REVIEW and elsewhere.

Chris Makanda dit PoétiChris, né Chris Makanda dit PoétiChris, né a Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congoest un slameur et poète auteur-compositeur-interprète. Il est auteur de plusieurs textede Slam/Poésiequ'il déclame àchaque spectacle àmicro ouvert ousoirée urbaindans la capitale congolais (RDC). Il fait ses débuts dans le slam en 2012 au sein du collectif des poètes" Au Pays Des Poètes ". Il participe a plusieurs projets littéraire pour aider les enfants a aimer la littérature et il est membre de la communauté des blogueurs HABARI RDC. a Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congoest un slameur et poète auteur-compositeur-interprète. Il est auteur de plusieurs textedeSlam/Poésiequ'il déclame àchaque spectacle àmicro ouvert ousoirée urbaindans la capitale congolais (RDC). Il fait ses débuts dans le slam en 2012 au sein du collectif des poètes" Au Pays Des Poètes ". Il participe a plusieurs projets littéraire pour aider les enfants a aimer la littérature et il est membre de la communauté des blogueurs HABARI RDC.

Christine Coates, a poet and writer from Cape Town, holds an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Cape Town. Her poems and stories have been published in various literary journals. Her debut poetry collection Homegrown, published in 2014, by Modjaji Books, received an honourable mention from the Glenna Luschei Prize. Her collection “Sixty Leather Wings” will be published by Modjaji in 2018. Christine’s poems have been selected for the EU Sol Plaatje Poetry anthologies 2011 – 2016, Best “New” African Poets 2015, 2016 Anthologies, and literary journals. Her short stories have been highly commended. Coates recently participated in the inaugural Rutanang Book Fair in Potchefstroom and the Cape Town Open Book Festival.She was a judge in the PEN International New Voices Award 2016.

Dada Dare Babatunde (pen name Tunde Dada) is a Nigerian writer, literary critic and an educationist with obsessive knack for creative writing, most especially poetry and prose.  He is a trained teacher and has NCE, BA.Ed and M. Ed., qualifications in English Education. He has been teaching English language, literature-in- English and creative writing for more than a decade. His works include Echoes at the Crack of Dawn, 2016,The King’s Nightmare, is not off the shelf for publication, and has a number of poems published in online magazines and poetry forums.

Daisy May has this life thing sewn up. The South African--‐born fashion maven grew up in Somerset West wondering: just how much can you wring from the world? So she put it to the test. Teaching English in Bangkok? Check. Selling real estate in London’s fabled Notting Hill? Yep. Co--‐founding a super--‐successful retail food chain with her father? Sure thing. Descending on Antarctica at the helm of an icebreaker? Well, obviously. Inventing a time machine and hunting velociraptors in the Cretaceous Period? Okay, maybe not that. But one day. Sigh.

Domingos Cupa, é natural Angolano, nasceu na década de 80. Formado em Engenharia Informática ( IT-IMS) pelo IIHT ( . Viveu no Lubango, Lobito, Huambo, fora de Angola e actualmente reside em Luanda. Tem um poemário publicado sob Chancela da Editora Portuguesa ‘’Cão que Lê’’ cujo título é ‘’Além das Palavras’’. Tem dois livros de Contos por publicar, aguardando oportunidade. Já fez teatro e participou em alguns concursos de músicas. Escreve regularmente no seu blog: , promovendo actividades culturais.

Domingos Magno, António D. S. Domingos de nome completo, 39 anos de idade. Estudante universitário de economia e gestão. Vivo em Luanda para onde me mudei com a família no tempo de guerra, sou da Gabela, kwanza Sul. Pai, filho, activista cívico e acérrimo defensor dos direitos humanos o que me condena a ser um eterno poeta da vida.

Dengha Prince, née le 14/04/86 à Pointe noire où il a vécu 20 ans auprès de sa famille. Diplômé en Génie Civil/ projeteur, était très créatif des plans d’habitations. Ensuite, il se transfère à Brazzaville pour la conquête d’un visa d’étude supérieur en Italie, d’où il réside cela fait 7 ans. Echec d’étude en faculté d’ingénierie, il s’inscrit en Langue et littérature et culture moderne, et devint un passionné de l’écriture.  Suite à des difficultés, notamment linguistique, la nouvelle société et le pays de provenance, cela représentait la source d’inspiration de ses poèmes.  Et, est en construction de son projet de publication de son premier recueil de poésie écrit en langue Française mais aussi Italienne.

Dennis Brad Kunguru is a Makerere University graduate and currently teaching English language and Literature at Kitengela International School in Kenya. His poetic interests basically focus on love and life and he has been able to write quite extensively on this. Dennis Brad is driven by a force so strongly binding that every time he sits to write, he gets engulfed in what he is writing simply because he yearns to share with the world that which he feels is worth sharing. Some of his poems depict his personal experiences while others are triggered by his surroundings.

Dorcas Wairuri Maina is a God-fearing lady, who's passionate about arts and protection of animals. She also has a heart for people and on her free time participates in church organized charity activities and enjoys meeting new people. More to her passion for arts she loves singing, writing poetry under the alias Rureyblue and attending art galas. She has a bubbly outgoing personality with a dream of traveling the world. Dorcas holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration and a Master in Business Administration. Dorcas currently works in the finance industry.

E.H. Langeveldt is Zimbabwean award winning Comedian, the first recipient to receive the Prince Claus Award – An International award for Arts, Culture and Human rights

My name is Eke Christiana Onyinyechi. A native of Imo State, Nigeria. I aspire to be better, until people are positively influenced by my works.

Eniola Olaosebikan is an active writer and a public speaker who currently resides in Nigeria. She holds a master degree in International Business Management and asides writing and speaking, she works with specific organizations around the world to enable them realize their corporate goals.

Je suis Etchri Efoé Koffi Lucky Essénam, jeune écrivain Togolais de mon état.

Elemide Benjamin is a creative and inspirational writer. He is a spoken word poet, and events moderator. His works have appeared on various local and international anthologies, both online and in print. He lives and writes from Abeokuta, Ogun state.

Evanilson S. de Almeida, DESCENDENTE DE AFRICANOS, autodidata, fezseusprimeiros versos aosquatorze anos, quandonão sabia ainda o que era verso, estrofe, poema, poesia; tãoprecário o ensino que recebeu da nossaescola pública na periferia. No dilema devastador de uma vida difícil, filho de faxineiracomoperário da construção civil, nascido numa favela, nãoteveoportunidade para desenvolver desde cedo seu talento "precoce", tornando a escrevernovamente, desta vez em definitivo, para nossaalegria, já na casa dos trinta anos de vida.

Poet and Translator Fethi Sassi was born on the 1st of June 1962 in Nabul (Tunisia). He is a writer of prose poetry and short poems and haiku; translator of all his poems to English . A member of the Tunisian Writers' Union; and of the Literature club at the cultural center of Sousse. His first book entitled "A Seed of Love" was published in 2010, the second (I dream …. and I sign on birds the last words ) in 2013. The third book of poetry, A sky for a strange bird published in Egypt in 2016. The Forth published in Egypt in March 2017 (As lonely rose a chair). His first translated and published book in Canada 2017 (and you are the entire poem) Under print a translated French book in France for the third Arabic book ( Ciel pour un oiseau étranger )

My name is Fiona Mahomed Khan. I am an academic, award winning author and poet, environmentalist, motivational speaker and transformational expert. I am South African and very passionate about the universality of life.

Gabla Godwin is a trained Ghanaian Science/Maths teacher who has developed so much love for writing right from his childhood. Godwin is a versatile writer who ventures into poetry, prose and drama. His works have been published in several local and international anthologies. He is also the author of a novel (Doom’s Dawn) which is published on Amazon and Azaliabooks.  Due to his poetic prowess, Godwin was shortlisted among the winners of the 2017 Ghana Writers’ Awards. Godwin who is popularly known as GGabla, aspires to take his poetry to an international stage where he can be called upon to perform anywhere in the world. For Godwin, poetry is not just for fun but it is a tool for driving change in society and he is committed to achieving that with his poems.

Gabriel dos Santos Pereira tem o pseudônimo de Gabriel Sanpêra. Ele mora na Cidade Barra Mansa, no interior do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Tem 20 anos de idade. Em seus textos Gabriel evoca cultura popular afro brasileira, e toda energia movimentadora de nossos ancestrais nas religiões de matrizes africanas. Traz a tona as questões do negro em periferia e de vida e romances envolvendo negros LGBT e seus anceios. Um dos escritores selecionados pelo Prêmio Malê- Jovens Negros de Literatura e Premiado no Concurso Literário de sua cidade natal. Barra Mansa.

My name is Grace Amina Okoliko. I am a graduate of Biochemistry and a trained Health and Safety officer. I currently reside in Jos, Plateau State Nigeria, where I work as a teacher. I am 22 years old. I hail from the Local Government Area of Oturkpo, Benue State, Nigeria. I am Idoma by tribe. I am a Christian. Poetry and prose are my passion and I hope to contribute my own quota in making the world a beautiful place through writing. Website:

Gugulethu Radebe is a teacher and poet from Durban, South Africa. She has a strong passion for women empowerment, youth development and community building and these ideas are reflected in a lot of her written work. She has published an eBook on Amazon called The Coffee-Stained Sticky Notes and is currently working on her second anthology called Learn to Love Her. Her work reflects a diversity of themes from human dignity to the perfect sunset.

I am Hannes Koekemoer, I am a 28 your old Afrikaans guy from Pretoria. Raised in a non-conventional household were one hand was conservative and the other liberal. I ended up becoming a psychology and criminology graduate. I work for the Dept. of Correctional Services as an Correctional officer and ultimately continue to look for light in dark places. I strive to help those marginalised by society. Poetry has always been a way for me to speak. In Afrikaans tradition words are minimalised – poetry gives us flight. The poems I’ve selected reflects the three things I am passionate about writing (or rather I always end up writing on) - Family and tradition, Religion and the LGTBI+, and the people of South Africa.

Hilton Fortuna Daniel. Formado em Didática do Ensino do Português, pela Universidade Agostinho Neto; mestre no Ensino do Português, pela FCSH da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Pesquisador e professor de Literatura e Português. Colaborador na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Escreve crítica literária, contos, crónicas, ensaios e outros. Tem, sozinho e em coautoria, diversos artigos e livros publicados em Angola, em Portugal e no Brasil. Às vezes, compõe e canta rap.

My name is Ibrahim Amanib Aquila but my stage name is Aquila, I'm 25 years old; I was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo but I live in Uganda as a Refugee since October 2012 due to some insecurity and war in the Eastern Congo/ South and North Kivu.I am a Poet, a Singer and a Song-writer, I speak French and Kiswahili fluently, I do understand English, Luganda and Lingala, I love poetry and I am a Christian.

Ifeoluwa Ayandele was born in Tede, a sleepy town in Oyo state, Nigeria. He studied at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. His poems have appeared at African Writer, Brittle paper and Kin Poetry Journal under the name Ifeoluwa ‘Dele. His poems have also appeared in Footmarks: poems on One Hundred Years of Nigeria’s Nationhood. He presently lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Jambiya is an emotive South African writer and storyteller who weaves the tragedy and victory of the human experience into a tapestry of memorable imagery and metaphor. She writes and performs with honesty on the spiritual and social challenges of our time. Jambiya's works are a feast to those accustomed to the jaded perfunctory cleverness of modern wordsmiths.  Her portfolio includes crossover soprano, songwriter; recording artist; playwright, speaker, preacher and activist as well as mentor, skills developer and playwright.  Jambiya is an avid writer and supporter for and of the 100 thousand poets for peace - Zimbabwe Campaign. Her works can be reviewed online through the Tuck Magazine - Canada Miombo Publishing POI - Personalities of Inspiration

My name is Jephtha Odiwuor Oketch (Malelah Poet). A 21-year-old Kenyan student studying BA Theatre Arts and Film Technology at Kenyatta University. I’m a poet, a writer and a performer having fallen in love with literature at the age of 10. I have written for love, against racism and bad governance, I have written about our beautiful African culture and for religion because I’m a born again Christian. I write about almost everything as long as I feel it needs to be addressed because I believe in the power of art. I run a blog

Job Sipitali nasceu no Município do Cubal, Província de Benguela – Angola, aos 10 de Outubro de 1985. Obra publicada: «Raízes Cantam» (2017). É licenciado em Ensino da Língua Portuguesa pelo – ISCED (Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação) – Benguela. Tem publicado (com regularidade) textos poéticos no Jornal Angolano de Artes e Letras.

I'm Jovita Ekene Nwanesi. I'm 24 years old and a Poet. I'm a Nigerian and a graduate of Madonna University Nigeria. I speak French, English, Igbo and little Portuguese. A lover of words and creativity. Drawing, painting, thinking and writing are my indispensables. My objectives in life are to restore sanity in our contemporary society and assist young children back to school as little as I can afford. My strong dream is to become an Author, a Philanthropist and a Motivational speaker and I work so hard toward it every single day of my life.

Joyce Nawiri Mango I'm a proud African, feminist, lawyer, legal researcher, environmentalist but above all an aspiring fictional novelist and poet. I truly express myself when I pen down my thoughts, feelings and prejudices. For me writing is not just an art but freedom of expression of my self-individuality and the only way I know how to share with others how I perceive the world around me. I'm also an avid reader and a collector of books and stamps.

JUAN RIOCHÍ SIAFÁ: Il est né à Malabo, la capitale de la République de la Guinée Equatoriale. Depuisl’âge de 15 ans et après lu Palabras de Libertad de l’écrivain Sudafricain Peter Abrahams, un libreédité sous le régime de l’Apartheid, et Löbela de Justo Bolekia Boleká, il commence à écrire des courts récits et de la poésie. Au Séminaire de Banapá (Bioko), il a commencé à écrireses premiers poèmes et à participer à plusieurs ateliers littéraires du Centre Culturel Hispano-Guinéen. Son ecriture se concentre sur trois genres littéraires: essai, poésie et roman. En 2016, ilpublie son premier essaiintitulé: Redesmigratorias e inserciónlaboral de losguineoecuatorianos. Sial/Casa de África (Madrid), et enJanvier 2017, sa première poésie Tragedias y Laberintos. Sial/Casa de África (Madrid). EnDécembre de 2017, il a publié son premier roman intitulé "Bétápánó" (Recuerdos.) Sial / Casa de África.

My name is Karin Van Wyk: I’am a 47-year-old Coloured woman who was born and bred in South Africa, Johannesburg. I currently reside in Yeoville, Johannesburg, South Africa. I matriculated from Noordgesig Secondary School in 1990. I have always been very vocal in my languages and find that I express myself very well on paper and in meetings. I am very passionate about our continent, Africa, as well as the protection of women and children in South Africa.

Kwaku Dade is a writer and poet. He lives in Nsawam, Eastern Region of Ghana. His writing explores the themes of freedom and resonances with nature. He is Assistant Programs Manager of Mbaasem Foundation, a non-profit literary organization that supports the development of Ghanaian women writers. He is a co-founder of Maxenma Limited, a professional publishing company which begins operations in February 2018. He is currently working on an Afro-futurist novel series where the first book is scheduled to be published by Maxenma Limited. He loves children, and children books are the most sublime to him. Despite his rigorously knit schedule he still makes time for his family and friends.

Kirsten Miller is the author of two novels, All is Fish (2007) and Sister Moon (2014), a work of non-fiction, Children on the Bridge (2006), and has written many articles, short stories and a short play. In 2016, she won the prize for best unpublished manuscript in the inaugural Wilbur and Niso Smith Foundation Award for her novel The Hum of the Sun, which will be published by Kwela Books in 2018. She lives and works in Durban, South Africa.

Kariuki wa Nyamu is a passionate Kenyan poet, radio playwright, editor, translator and high school teacher. He earned a Bachelor’s in English, Literature and Education from Makerere University, Uganda. His poems won The National Book Trust of Uganda (NABOTU) Literary Awards ‒ 2007 and in 2010, while in third-year, he won Makerere University Creative Writing in the Contemporary World Competition for the best collection of poems. He is published widely both in print and online, in anthologies such as A Thousand Voices Rising, Boda Boda Anthem and Other Poems, Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology, Experimental Writing: Volume 1, Africa Vs Latin America Anthology, Best New African Poets 2016 Anthology, Africanization and Americanization, Africa Vs North America Anthology, Writing on Language, Culture and Development: Volume 1, Africa Vs Asia Anthology, The Mamba Journal for Africa Haiku: Issue IV, besides co-authoring a Children’s poetry and short story anthology titled When Children Dare to Dream. He emerged the overall winner of Babishai Niwe 2017 Haiku Prize.  He is presently pursuing a Master’s in Literature at Kenyatta University, Kenya.

Lazola Pambo is a South African poet, novelist and essayist. The majority of his work has been published in “New Contrast,” “The Criterion,” “Sentinel Literary Quarterly,” and “BlazeVOX,” among others. His young adult novel: “The Path Which Shapes Us,” was published to critical acclaim by Lingua Franca Educational Publishers in 2016.                                                                            

Lemeeze Davids is a currently studying Fine Art in South Africa, alongside her passion for writing. She has been published in international and South African literary journals, as well as received acclaim in smaller competitions. Her subject matter drifts across the lines of anecdotal sketches, and bigger-picture social issues.

Lobitino Almeida N’gola (pseudónimo literário de Eugénio [Luís da] Costa Almeida), natural de Lobito, Angola, onde nasceu a 4 de Novembro de 1956; é Investigador Universitário, licenciado e mestre em Relações Internacionais e Doutorado em Ciências Sociais; em conclusão do Pós-Doutoramento na FCS-UAN.. tem várias publicações, entre ensaios, artigos e poesia e contos.

Chamo-me Lorna Telma Zita natural de Xai-Xai de nacionalidade moçambicana, nascida aos 12 deJaneiro de 1993. Sou apaixonada pela arte da escrita a cada poema escrito embarco em uma viagem repleta de aventuras.

 Lucas Zulu is a passionate writer from South Africa who has found home in literature .He enjoys reading and writing and his work has appeared in Watch My Rising an anthology of recovery USA 2016 and Brain of forgetting island issue Three, Autumn/Winter 2016 Ireland

Ludo Natefo Chalashika: I am a global citizen; passionate about my mother continent, Africa. I am most inspired by young creatives. From within the borders of their homelands and the diaspora, youth stories continue to spark conversations surrounding the world's cultural wealth; and have inspired contemporary collaborations between intellectuals, artists and change makers. The prospect of contributing to these contemporary tales through my work drives my passion for Communications and Media. Beyond this, I hope to pen fictional stories as a writer, and poet.

Lule Raymond is a poet and a performer from Kampala, Uganda. He believes he’s more alive when he’s on stage. He loves to read and review poetry.

Lusajo Kalangali is a Tanzanian from Mbeya region. He studied Bachelor of Education Languages (BEL) at Teofilo Kisanji Univesity. He likes poetry and plays.

Macpherson Okpara is a Nigerian literary scholar and critic, creative writer, essayist, consultant copy editor and lecturer in Literature in English. Since 1998 when his essay appeared in Literary Parade: Trends in the African Novel, he has published scholarly papers in referred books of reading and literary journals, as well as having published First Class Suite and Other Stories (2001),  A Basket of Promises (2003), The Winged Idiots (2009), The Devil’s Messengers  (2009),  Why Dogs Bark at Visitors and Other Stories (2009),  A Companion Text on Language and Communication Skills (2001), A Handbook of  Language and Communication Skills (2002), Topical Issues in Language and Communication (2003), and Modern African Literature: A Survey (2005). His poems and short stories have appeared in newspapers, magazines and anthologies. Okpara co-founded the vibrant Abakaliki Literary Society in 2009 and has been its chairman ever since, as well as being an active member of the Association of Nigerian Authors. He is the President of Literati Temple, Abakaliki, a literary consultancy outfit.

Madu Chisom Kingdavid is a Nigerian poet, Teacher, football analyst, historian and paint maker. His work appears in some literary magazines, including Coalng, One, PublicCool, Bombay Review, Kalahari Review, Indiana Voice Journal, AfricanWriter, Expound, PraxisMagazine, Words Rhythm and Rhyme, Afrikrayons, etc. He currently lives in Ile Ogbo - the headquarters of Ayedire Local Government Area of Osun State, where he is doing his National Youth Service.

Max Axel Bounda: Issu d'une famille modeste et lettrée, confrontée à diverses couches sociales dans sa société, Max Axel Bounda se forge une conscience sociale et politique, au contact de son environnement et dans de grandes lectures théoriques comme la Négritude et les auteurs de la Négro-renaissance, mais aussi des classiques français et anglais.  Sensible et émotif, très tourné vers les livres et s'évadant dans un univers fantastique de plusieurs auteurs, il découvre les poètes avec délectation en réalisant que les mots s'ils servent à communiquer, sont aussi et peut-être avant tout, des armes : Des outils de dénonciation, d’expression et de combats. Max Axel Bounda, porte-étendard d'une littérature consciente de jeunesse en Afrique, est un jeune auteur gabonais, romancier, poète et nouvelliste. Ce talentueux auteur engagé a déjà publié un recueil de poèmes intitulé l'Anatolie (2013) et travaille sur de nouvelles sorties pour le bon plaisir de ses lecteurs. Deux principales sorties sont attendues pour le dernier trimestre 2017. Il s’agit de son premier roman, un thriller et de son deuxième recueil de poèmes très engagé.

Maren Bodenstein was born in a small German speaking village in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. She has published children’s stories, short stories, a novel and non-fiction works. Currently she lives in Johannesburg where she enjoys the lively poetry scene.

Maria Manuel Godinho Azancot de Menezes nasceu a 27 de Junho de 1957 em Lisboa, filha de Manuel Pedro Azancot de Menezes, natural de S. Tomé e Príncipe, e de Maria de Lourdes Pires Godinho, natural de Portugal.Viveu em Timor-Leste nos primeiros anos e depois em Angola, onde reside. É médica pediatra, casada, mãe e avó. Escreveu o livro de 100 poemas “Lua mágica”, editado pela Chiado Editora e lançado em Setembro de 2017 em Lisboa.  Um dos poemas, “Coqueiro da minha praia”, faz parte do livro “Entre o sono e o sonho”, VIII Volume de Antologia de Poetas Contemporâneos Portugueses.

Maryam Gatawa is a young brilliant Poetess and writer who lives in Kano, Nigeria. She is a graduate of Economics from Bayero University, Kano in Nigeria. She is a human activist with special concern in making the lives of orphans tear-free. Writing and reading are what give her great joy as a passionate lover of arts. But her hobbies include travelling, chatting and brainstorming. Some of her appetizing literary works were published in the African Writer Magazine, PIN Quarterly Journal, Tuck Magazine and her pen name is Meegat.

Matthew Hartdegen is currently an English and Music teacher at St Patrick’s CBC in Kimberley, the Northern Cape. Matthew has always been inspired by imaginative writing styles as well as strict poetic forms and utilizes them in his writing. The three poems submitted are each written in traditional while non-traditional forms.

Gabriel Ambrósio  é  Mavenda Nuni ya Áfrika, assim é chamado artisticamente. Nasceu em 2 de agosto de 1986, província do Zaire (Angola), etnia  kikongo.  Licenciado em letras: Português-Inglês, pela PUC–GOIÁS (Brasil). Gosta da literatura, antropologia, filosofia e das outras áreas do saber como forma de encarar e desvendar o mundo. Palestrante sobre a África.  É autor do livro Áfricas Ocultas, 2015. Já participou em vários concursos literários e antologias poéticas com destaque: “Mosca Voando”, 2014, São Paulo, Scortecci; “Desmistificando África”, 2014, Salvador-Bahia, na qual ganhou o terceiro lugar do concurso; “Fileiras de poder”, 2015, 4º lugar no concurso Internacional de literatura professor Germano Machado-2014. Paraíba e “Fúria Negrada”, publicado em Novembro 2015, Litteris editora Rio de Janeiro. É colaborador do site por dentro da África.  Escreveu também diversos artigos e crônicas para o jornal Diário da manhã, em Goiânia; na Revista Omnirá, Salvador-Bahia. Além de outros textos publicados em jornais online de Angola. É o proprietário do blog  e da Página facebook  mavenda nuni yÁfrika. Foi membro do grupo de estudo e extensão afro-brasileiros (PROAFRO) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GOIÁS). É associado do AFROCRACIA de Angola.

Mbizo Chirasha is an acclaimed wordsmith, performances poet, widely published poet and writer. The widely traveled poet and creative projects consultant is published in more than 60 journals, anthologies, websites, reviews, newspapers, blogs and poetry collections around the world. Some of the countries he traveled to include Ghana, Sweden, Egypt, Tanzania, South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Malawi. He co-authored Whispering woes of Ganges and Zambezi with Sweta Vikram from New York in 2010. His poetry collection Good Morning President was published by Diaspora publishers UK in 2011.

My name is Mercy Gerald Chang'a aged 21 years. I am a Tanzanian by nationality. I am a third
year university student at The University of Dodoma (UDOM) in Tanzania studying Bachelor of
Science in Metallurgy and Mineral processing Engineering. I really enjoy poetry and I am a poet.

Mfon Etina Etina is a native of AkwaIbom state in Nigeria. She is a poet and Author. She has worked as a Contributor to Guardian and News Editor in the Evangelist Newspaper. Her poems are published in Anthologies and Online.

Mildred Jaricha was born in the year 1988 in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. She did her primary school at Rufaro primary and secondary at Mutendi High School. She is currently studying Bachelor of Science (Bsc. Hons) Degree in Urban Planning and Development at Great Zimbabwe University. She is a poet and she also writes short stories. Some of her poems were published in Dzinonyandura svinga renduri.

Mof’Oluwawo O MojolaOluwa is a Nigerian writer. She has written for several online and offline literary and legal research publications. She has also been published in four anthologies of fiction and poetry. She has a degree in law from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

Monica Owoko is currently a tutor at St. Paul’s Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training College.  She has always been interested in writing and has in the past written poems and articles on various issues some of which have been published. Her other hobbies and interests include reading, cooking, singing and the scouting movement among others. In the community she serves as a lay reader in the Anglican Church of Kenya and is a member of various community groups. She resides in Bungoma, Kenya

Born on 3rd March, 1989, Mujtaba S. Abubakar, a Nigerian writer, started writing since 2009. Some of his poems appeared in his alma mater’s maiden anthology, Turn of the Muse. He graduated with a second-class (upper division) honours from the department of English and Drama, Kaduna State University, Nigeria. His forthcoming and first poetry collection is titled Profit and Losers. He currently resides in Kaduna, Nigeria.

My name is Mzomuhle Mkhabela, 19, a first year student at the University of Swaziland. Mzomuhle graduated from Mpuluzi high school, a school in rural areas in Swaziland where he pursued an academic curriculum. Although he spent most time of his life in Mpuluzi, Manzini where he was born, he grew up around books and plays which is no surprise he loves poetry and writing. He writes for the heartbroken, ambitious, hopeless and lowly. He writes to bring inspiration and hope to many minds.

Nadine Suliaman: I am a 23 year old singer, who studied musical Theatre, drama and dance. I grew up in the city of Cape Town, South Africa where I was labelled “Coloured” or Mixed race. My late teenage years and early 20s have been absorbed by finding out what it means to be coloured and a woman in the new South Africa. My poems explore identity/race and feminine issues.

Nalukenge Mugabi Patsy: I’m a ferocious reader and I write often. I hate writing but I love having written… I’m a spoken word poet and a freelance blogger. I am girl of few words and many actions. I attribute all that I am to God, because all I lack in perfection, He makes up for in love.

Ndongolera C. Mwangupili is a poet from Malawi. Most of his poems are locally published in Malawi. However, he is fast gaining international acclaim. His poems have appeared in a number of international journals and anthologies. For the Unmarked Tomb is published in a chapbook by Praxis Magazine Online (2017). His three poems are anthologized in Free Fall, an International Anthology (2017). Four of his poems have just been accepted in a continental anthology titled Afrocentric. He works as a Senior Inspector of Schools in Malawi. He is also the Secretary General of Malawi Union of Academic and Non-fiction Authors (MUANA).

Neeli Cherkovski is in internationally known poet living in San Francisco California. He is the author of many books of poetry and prose. His latest collection, Elegy for My Beat Generation, is published by lithic press

Njabulo Katleho Dlamini. I am a 20 year old female currently residing in South Africa. To be specific, I reside in Gauteng, in a city called Pretoria. I am a student at the University of Pretoria, studying finance. However, I am big poetry lover and a huge fan of literature.“A bit of a contradiction”, is what the reader is probably thinking, but as one might or might not know, poetry is not really a favoured career in my country. With all of this being said, I would just like to point out that I love my country, in case my previous statement suggested otherwise.

Notsile Nkambule also known as Brown skin nono is a young woman, poet, writer, body activist and an International Relations Graduate. She marries her passions for writing and Politics in her poetry. She is passionate about youth development, education, women’s rights and development. A fierce force in brown skin, a revolutionary in the body of a queen and a social change agent.

Je m’appelle Nouhr-Dine Akondo né le 13 Janvier 1979 à Bassar (Togo) et togolais d’origine. Après une Maitrise en Littérature Africaine Anglophone, mon  cursus universitaire sera couronné en 2013 par une thèse Unique de Doctorat en Littérature Anglaise sur les œuvres de William Shakespeare et d’Edward Bond, soutenue à l’Université de Lomé. Depuis 2006, j’interviens entant qu'enseignant de Spécialité et de Littérature Anglaise au département d’Anglais de l’Université de Lomé où je continue mes recherches notamment sur les questions de littérature post coloniale et sur l’usage effectif de la littérature dans le changement des comportements dans les sociétés Africaines.

Nsah Mala is an award-winning writer from Cameroon, author of four poetry collections: Chaining Freedom (2012), Bites of Insanity (2015), If You Must Fall Bush (2016), and Constimocrazy: Malafricanising Democracy (2017). His short story “Christmas Disappointment” won a prize from the Cameroonian Ministry of Arts and Culture in 2016. In December 2016, his short story “Fanta from America” received a “Special Mention” in a BAKWA Magazine short story competition. In July 2017, international award-winning Franco-Ivorian writer Véronique Tadjo quoted his French poem “Marché mondial des maladies” in her novel Encompagnie des hommes. His French poem, “Les servants de l’Etat”, won the prix spécial e-cahiers littéraire de in December 2017. His writings have appeared (are forthcoming) in anthologies and magazines like Stories for Humanity, Modern Research Studies, Spillwords Press, Tuck Magazine, Dissident Voice, Scarlet Leaf Review, Better than Starbucks Poetry, Miombo Publishing, Parousia Magazine, Vanguard HIV/AIDS and Sexuality Awareness Anthology 2017, and The Zimbabwe We Want Poetry Campaign. His French poetry collection is forthcoming.

Nsubuga Ishaka: Ever since the release of me, I have been writing for all I can remember from December to December that I can hardly trace when I started doing it. I am 18 and in high school, Ishaquè is my stage name and it is what I am called by the majority. It stands for I*Solemnly*Honour*All*Queens. I write poems, songs and stories too. I would like to be a successful writer, actor, TV personality, radio presenter, show/events host, model and motivational speaker. I am also a debater.

Ntensibe Joseph is passionate when it comes to writing poetry although he embraces other genres. Being a high school teacher of Literature and English, he works with young people with writing. He is also an editor. He graduated from Makerere University with honours in English, Literature and Education. He is published in print and online, he appears in, Best New African Poets 2065 Anthology, and Africanization and Americanization Anthology among others.

NURENI Ibrahim writes from somewhere in Nigeria. He has published works in Shamrock International Haiku Journal, Africanization and Americanization Anthology, Best New African Poets 2016 Anthology, Poets in Nigeria Journal, The Voices Projects and lots more.

Nyashadzashe Chikumbu: I'm a young man, Poet and Writer, who is very ambitious, and strives for complete self-expression. Very interested in all words of art, strives to see art gaining its former glory

Nwachukwu Emmanuel; I am a young lawyer who also happens to be fanatical about poems. Poetry is my shelter when the world is crumbling around me.

Dr. Odewumi Joy O, teaches literature and gender studies at Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Lagos, Nigeria.  She is a writer, public speaker and a mother.

Ogunkoya Samuel is a physiotherapy student in a Obafemi Awolowo University. He has written many unpublished poems and prose.

Oka Benard Osahon is a creative writer, poet and fantasy novel addict from Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. His poetry can be found on or is upcoming on Brittlepaper, Kalahari Review, Visual Verse and Spillwords. He was one of the winners of Praxis Magazine's 2016 Anthology Contest and the winner of Brigitte Poirson Poetry Contest, June, 2017 edition. He lives and works in Abuja where he writes at night after work.

Olabode Olanrewaju ‘R’, was born October, 1992 in Ogun State, Nigeria where he lives and attended school. He studied English Studies at Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. While in his final year in the university, he edited Kalamu Review, the maiden edition of the literary magazine and also served as the assistant editor-in-chief of the magazine. The magazine featured works of Solomon Iguanre, the author of the novel, ‘Scented Debris’ and the play, ‘The Grave Encounter’;  and Olatunde Obafemi Chidera, the author of the novel, Silver Palm frond; his poem and article too among others.

Olawale Ibiyemi is a young poet, currently an Accounting student of Babcock University, Nigeria. He has published articles in Nigerian NewsDirect, a daily national newspaper. His poems have also appeared in the anthology “These Words Will Cure a Dead Man” by SLM 2016, and in the 7th issue of the PIN Quarterly Journal, 2017.

Olisaemeka Gerald Njoku is a young prolific Nigerian poet. He is also a published short fiction writer. His published works include: Nestfruits and Folk Stories Retold for Children and Teenagers. He is a graduate of linguistics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. He is currently studying for his masters degree in sociolinguistics while teaching English at a college. He lives in Enugu, Enugu State, South East of Nigeria.

Oscar Gwiriri was born on 15 June 1975 at Honde Valley, Eastern Highlands, Zimbabwe. He is a published writer featured in three anthologies; Shaurai Nduri Dzazuro Nedzanhasi, Gwatakwata reNhetembo, and HodzekoYenduri. He is a Certified Forensic Investigation Professional, and holds a Master of Science in Strategic Management Degree, Bachelor of Business Administration, Associate Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, Diploma in Logistics and Transport, Diploma in Workplace Safety and Health, and a multiple of United Nations Peacekeeping Certificates. Oscar likes writing in  Shona language so as to promote the Zimbabwean literal heritage. He is interested in Haiku.

Oyoo Mboya: I am a graduate teacher by profession, poet by passion. I've had some of my works published with online magazines and blogs, latest was with Oxford Publishers EA, during the 2017 World Poetry Day. My works can be accessed at a blog I use as an archive, to store my poems. Apart from poetry, I do creative prose writing, on contemporary issues. Some of these writings can be accessed on my Facebook wall, that runs under my name Oyoo Mboya.

Patron Henekou is from Togo. He writes in French and English as well. His poems have appeared and forthcoming in AFROpoésie, Revue des Citoyens des Lettres, Aquifer: The Florida Review, and The Kalahari Review. Patron’s published works include a play in English, Dovlo, or A Worthless Sweat (2015) and a poetry chapbook in French entitled Soufflesd’outre-cœur (2017).

Paul Zietsman is an artist at heart, using photography and writing as vehicles to spread his creative wings. The unrelenting search for truth is reflected in his work.

Philani Amadeus Nyoni is a Zimbabwean born wordsmith. He has written award-winning poetry for the page, the stage and the screen. He has also written articles and short stories for various publications, local and international

Raoul Djimeli lives and writes in Yaoundé, Cameroon. His poems are published in anthologies, magazines and revues around the world. Some of his poems are used in films like “Mother” the opening text of Ruth’s Story, a film on Malaria in Africa. He is the President of the Cameroonian festival of new writers & poets. He has organised cultural festivals in Cameroon and in Chad. His poems have received prizes and medals in France, Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon. He was born in Baleveng in 1993.

Ravona Naidoo: I am a young South African, and amateur poet. I write as a means to make sense of the many issues we face as youth, and as a way to understand my own identity.

Raymond Abiona is a graduate from the University of Ibadan and the Nigerian Law School.  Despite the rigorous work life that comes with being a lawyer in Nigeria, Raymond sees poetry has a medium of escape and liberation. In writing poems, Raymond is inspired by life itself and the need to help others through a written form.

Reuben Kehinde Akano, currently a staff of the Kwara State University, Malete, he teaches courses in literary studies in the Department of English. He has published some books of poetry and several academic papers in reputable journals. He has equally attended local and international conferences

Riak Marial Riak is a South Sudanese poet, writer and dramatist living in Juba South Sudan. His works have featured on Kalahari review, African writer and Nthanda review. He spends most of his time staging poems and writing about love, life, nature, war, death and society.

Richard Inya is a widely published poet and short story writer whose works have been adopted for use in over eight states in Nigeria. He is the Vice Chairman, Ebonyi State Branch of the Association of Nigerian Authors. Apart from his literary engagements, he works with the Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi State.

Richard Mbuthia is a teacher, a poet, an editor and a motivational speaker. He studied English and Literature at Kenyatta University in Nairobi. He has great passion for poetry. To him, the rhythm and verve of poetry are ingredients of a great love story. The twenty six letters of the alphabet amaze him with their ability to foster change - their volatility and aptness cannot be gainsaid.

Dr Roy Venketsamy is a researcher / lecturer at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.  He is passionate about Early Childhood education and lectures mathematics education at the university. He has great passion for poetry and art. He has published poems of different genre in South Africa.  He writes mainly about man’s inner feelings and contribution to making the world a better place. He hopes to reach out to many people through his poetry and art works.

Rubens De Souza Fernandes (“Poeta-Ru”): “Sou Neto de Escravo, filho de mãe solteira natural do” Bexiga São Pulo- SP,ex menino de Rua e ex dependente químico “-São Paulo-SP, 78 anos, Bacharel em Direito/Faculdade Drummond com colação de grau em 2015, Poeta, Compositor, Cantor, Filosofo, Escritor, Pesquisador Cientifico , Autodidata Eclético e Líder na Recuperação de Alcoólatra e Dependente Químico (Instituto Fraternal de Laborterapia-“IFL”), Líder Comunitário no Terceiro Setor há mais de 57 anos etc. Casado, Pai de 13 filho(a)s (11 vivos), 10 neto(a)s e 2 bisnet(o)a.

S Kojo Frimpong is a writer from West Africa Tema, Ghana to be precise. A lover of poetry and a reading addict

Safiya Hamza Jibrin is a Nigerian writer. She was born in Kogi State but grew up in the Northern part of the country. She obtained a degree in Law from Igbinedion University Okada, Edo State. Her passion for writing started at a tender age of 10. She writes poetry and prose and blogs as a hobby.

Sakky Jojo (Saka Aliyu) studied at Universiteit Leiden. He teaches History at Bayero University, Kano. Nigeria.  His novel Altine was published in 2003. He was the Secretary of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) Kaduna State branch 2006-2008.His poems have been anthologized in ANA Reviews.  His poem L’aruge (Promotion) was shortlisted for the Babishai Niwe African Poetry Prize in 2014 and he also won the Kwandala Foundation Anniversary Poetry Prize in 2016 for his poem ‘Unsung  Song of Almajiri.’ He is into prose and playwriting as well.

Samson M. Mlambo holds a National Diploma in Drama from Durban University of Technology, Bachalarious Technologae Degree in Drama from Tshwane University of Technology, Post Graduate Certificate from University Of South Africa and currently completing Masters Degree Research in Drama at Wits University. He is an award winning playwright, A Poet, Director, Teacher, Mentor, Blog and Theatre Critic and a Business Man.

Samuel Nyachiro Kegwaro: I am a poet, a feature stories writer and Blogger. I have a degree in Linguistics, Media and Communications and I currently live in Nairobi, Kenya. I originate from Gusii Highlands and I have a passion for writing. Some of my poems have been published at

Sarah Lubala is a Congolese-born South African development worker. When she's not at the office, she can be found in gardens, drinking copious amounts of tea and reading Pablo Neruda's Love Sonnets. Her poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming in Brittle Paper, The Missing Slate, Bird’s Thumb and Prufrock.

Serugga Rodney William, a young 20 year old Ugandan writer whose works vary as broadly as his personality, conveying close to heart topics such as racism, sexism, grief and love through poetry, short stories, songs and other literature based mediums. Ironically most of his inspiration does not originate from traditional literature, but more from his addiction to cinema. From Japanese Classics to Hollywood masterpieces, the big screen cultivated Rodney’s craving to add his name into the artistic scene.

Dr Shermain Mannah has over 20 years experience in education transformation encompassing the United Nations, Government, Trade Unions, and NGOs. She holds a masters from Arizona State University (USA) and a doctorate from the University of Kwa Zulu Natal (RSA). She started her career as a school teacher before joining the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) as the Head of Education. She then joined UNFPA as their HIV, AIDS and Gender officer. She later spent 7 years in the Department of Education as Director for Race and Values and Acting Chief Director of Social Cohesion and Equity. She is currently self-employed.

Sibusiso Ernest Masilela is a male poet born and bred in South Africa, he is a metaphysical poet who loves creative writing and spend most of his time reading and travelling. His latest works appeared in New Contrast, Stanzas, Typecast and other anthologies…

Silibaziso SK. Chuka is a rising poet, writer and advocate of girl child rights. Her writings are influenced by her daily experiences and her surroundings. Her poetry is mainly paradoxical, depicting unbalanced Zimbabwe social landscapes. The Young poet has passion for Arts journalism and listens to Jazz and Soul Music

Solomon Bright Dankwa: I am a Ghanaian; born, bred and still living in the Capital of Accra. I am a physiotherapist by profession; having graduated from the University of Ghana late last year with a degree in BSc Physiotherapy. I have a passionate interest in writing, more specifically poetry, and I have an ardent love for literature despite my scientific educational background. I enjoy sports; I love watching educational TV programmes and motivational talk shows, and I am also fascinated about watching brainy and historical movies, to relax myself. I believe that the human vessel is a depository of enormous endowments. And every soul is capable to shine. I am optimistic, kindhearted and humble.

Born on 26th November, 1963, Solomon Iguanre, who hails from Ewohimi, Esan South East Local Government Area of Edo State. Nigeria, is the current HOD, Languages and Literary Studies, Babcock University and the immediate past chairman of the Association of Nigerian Authors, Oyo State chapter. He has a few works to his credit among which include: The Grave Encounter, a drama on HIV/AIDS, Oh Obedeki, The Visits, Sculptorico and Other Skits;  How Mosquito Began to Bite Man, Abbey and His Catapult  children story books and the screen play of a movie, ‘Head Gone.’

Songeziwe Mahlangu is a South African writer. His debut novel, Penumbra, was published in 2013. He has published poems in Prufrock and the Sol Plaatje anthology.

Sophia Obi-Apoko is a Nigerian and lives in Nigeria. She is from Oloibiri in Bayelsa State, the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. She has a PhD in Dramatic Theory and Criticism from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. She is a Civil Servant and currently works in the Ministry of Information and Orientation, Bayelsa State. Her published works include: Tears in a Basket (2006, poems), Floating Snags (2009, poems) and Broken Pearls (2013, Short Stories).

Success Akpojotor is a poet, novelist, and screenwriter. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Nigerian Observer, Poets Reading The News, Tuck Magazine, Wax Poetry and Art, among others. Born and raised in Benin City, Nigeria, he holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Benin and now lives in Lagos Island.

Sydney Haile Saize, is a freedom fighter spearhead piercing the heart of misrule maladmistration, corruption and injustice. Socio-political commentator only narrates the political ills and suffers the consequences

Talia Loemba-Bouity est né à Pointe-Noire. Il fréquente la faculté des Sciences Mathématiques, Physiques et Naturelles de l’université ‘’La Sapienza’’, où il obtient un Bac+3 en Sciences Naturelles, puis un Bac+5 en Géologie de l’exploration. En 2009, il crée le Cercle de Réflexions d’Anciens Amis de Kipolo (CRAAK). En 2012, il publie La balade amoureuse (roman). La même année, il est l’un des lauréats du Certamen Sapientiae. En 2014, il publie Dans la valise… il y a un poème pour toi (poésie). En 2016, il participe à la création de l’association Diaspora du Congo-Brazzaville en Italie (DCBI) qu’il préside.

Tembi Charles was born in Zimbabwe and grew up in Bulawayo. Tembi holds a BA General from the University of the Western Cape and a BA Honors and Masters of Arts from Stellenbosch University. She is currently based in the United States, where she is reading for her PhD in Comparative Literature and African Studies. Tembi has been writing poetry and short stories for some time. Her short story, “Long Life” is published in The Ghost-Eater and Other Stories (2013) and her poetry can be found in This is My Land (UWC Creates) 2013, Best “New” African Poets (2016), and in Zimbolicious Poetry Anthology (Volume 2). Tembi hopes to continue writing as she is burdened by the many stories and poems that need to find their way out of her head and onto the written page.

Timba Bema naît au quartier Bali à Douala, Cameroun. Très tôt, il s’adonne à la poésie et participe à différents collectifs. Après la lecture de Le procès de Frantz Kafka, il comprend que sa vocation est d'écrire. Il quitte le Cameroun en 2001 pour continuer ses études à Nantes, puis Paris. Il vit et travaille depuis 2007 à Lausanne. Ses nouvelles ainsi que ses poèmes sont publiés entre autres par Smokelong et Encre Fraîche. Il est l’initiateur de la Revue des Citoyens des Lettres et participe à plusieurs projets autour du livre.

Tiwaladeoluwa Adekunle was born and raised in southwestern Nigeria and Ghana. She is currently a first year Masters student in communication at Purdue University, and is highly enthusiastic about literature, media and global development. She completed her undergraduate degree in English and International Studies at the University of Kentucky, where her poems won the 2014 Farquhar award for poetry as well as in 2016, an Oswald award for research and creativity. Most recently, she was awarded the 2017 Flo Gault student poetry prize. Tiwaladeoluwa’s literary works can be found in Limestone, Brittle Paper and Indiana Review.

Tola Ijalusi is a Nigerian writer residing in Ibadan. He has had his works published on online literary Journals and Magazines such as PIN Quarterly Journal, Kalahari Review, Kreative Diadem, Tuck Magazine, Words Rhymes and Rhythm, EGC Creativity and elsewhere. His poems have been published in anthologies such as Peace Is Possible, Muse For World Peace II Poetry Anthology, TheReeest Verses and The Sun Will Rise Again. Also, his poems were featured in Poems Woman Scream 2016 Nigeria – Antologia Grito de Mujer. He is the Managing Editor of PAROUSIA Magazine: A Christian Art and Literary Magazine.

Toyin SHITTU teaches poetry, African drama, literary criticism at Al- Hikmah University , Ilorin. He has a number of publication to his credit both at national and international journals. He is the author of Echoes: Inspiring poems for the young ones, Naija Blues And Other Poems, Basic Elements Of Literature

Born in Uganda, Toyota M. Safari is a poet, teacher, and editor. He is currently living in Addis Ababa and is doing a PhD in Literature at Addis Ababa University

I am Tracy Pinky Fundira, a 25 year old lady from the city of Masvingo in Zimbabwe. Currently i am staying in South Africa , in the north coast of Kwazulu natal. My stage name is Teaspoon,

Tsitsi S.A. Sachikonye is currently a PhD candidate in French & Francophone Literature at Rhodes University. Tsitsi likes radio journalism, lecturing and conducting literary research. She is also a professional singer and international public speaker. Tsitsi enjoys sailing, swimming, hiking, cycling and many other adventurous sports. She is extremely passionate about reading and travelling.

Tumelo Mogotsi is a storyteller from Botswana who has a knack for writing like her mother won't read it. When she's not feeding her obsession for perfectly arranged prose, she poses as an accountant in her native country. Follow her musings on her personal blog

Two Apart is an ensemble to two Zimbabwean poets and spoken word artists Ocean Scott Makwarimbo and Karnell. We write our pieces together. Our themes are as convergent divergent as two can be and are as wide as we are apart. We write on every aspect of the story of love and the history of life.

Usman Danjuma Osu hail from Onda village of Nasarawa Local Government, Nasarawa State, in the Middle Belt of Nigeria; He is a published writer and poet. His works includes two (2) anthologies of poetry: Sore of the Soul (2010) and Our Memorials and Other poems (2012). Currently, he lectures in the languages department in the FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, NASARAWA, NIGERIA, where he teaches English Language, Literature and creative writing.

Sou Vicente Ricalo. Cubano e moro na cidade de Mindelo, em Cabo Verde. Possuo a nacionalidade cabo-verdiana, além da cubana. Sou professor universitário, nomeadamente de língua inglesa, e investigador. Tenho publicado vários trabalhos em Cuba, em Cabo Verde e além. Trabalhei na Universidad de Oriente, em Cuba, durante vinte anos. Trabalho na Universidade Lusófona de Cabo Verde, e já trabalhei no IESIG (atual UNIMINDELO) e na UNICV (Universidade de Cabo Verde).

Vincent Edward Manda is a 29 year old half African half Irish writer born and raised in Zimbabwe. His mother is Half South African and Half Malawian and his father is Irish. He has spent his life travelling around all these countries but has been based in London since 2005. Writing is what keeps him alive.

Vitorino Anselmo Manjate, artisticamente tratado por Mutume Reis Manjate, nascido aos 23 de Fevereiro de 1992 em Maputo, de nacionalidade moçambicana, solteiro. É surpreendente a riqueza e a complexidade do pensamento que me faz crer que sou um jovem poeta preste a contribuir para o desenvolvimento da literatura Africana e do mundo em geral.

Wafula p'Khisa is a poet, writer and teacher from Kenya. He studied English, Literature & Education at Moi University. His work has been published in The Seattle Star, The Legendary (issue 48), The Beacon, Scarlet Leaf Review, Antarctica Journal, Aubade Magazine (issue 1), NYSAI Press,, Best 'New' African Poets 2015 Anthology,, The Pendulum, Mgv2 Magazine, Best 'New' African Poets 2016 Anthology and Lunaris Review

Wankanganzau Gaflas, é o pseudônimo de Garcia Kino, natural de Cacuaco, província de Luanda, República de Angola. Dedica-se a escrever poesia, sobretudo poemas gospel (evangélicas), é licenciado em ciências, geofísica, pela universidade Agostinho Neto.

Wilson Waison is a rising Zimbabwean Word Slinger and Agent of radical  political change  in Zimbabwean

Wilton dos Zicas, nome literário de Wilton Pedrito Jambo Zica. Nasceu na Beira (Moçambique), a 14 de Setembro de 1992, filho primogénito. Estudou Medicina na maior Universidade do seu país (UEM Maputo) tendo enveredado para se formar em Química na segunda maior (Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique) onde foi galardoado pelo Magnífico Reitor como Melhor Estudante. Presentemente é Mestrando em Química, Consultor Químico, Professor de Química, Empreendedor, Académico/Pesquisador, Activista Social de Caridade e Escritor/Poeta moçambicano. Encetou a redigir Poemas em 2006, mas só veio a transluzir e reunir em 2017, um emblemático mar de versos com o seu primeiro livro de sublimes Poemas.

I am Yaweh Samuel Kabanda from Uganda, a self made poet due to a great passion for thinking and writing poetry. I have been blessed with my literally works of poetry being published in a number of poetry anthologies in Nigeria such as A NEW HOME FOR AFRICAN and AFRICANS ARE WOMEN ANTHOLOGIES. I am a physical planner by profession working as a physical planner for Rakai District Local Government and Rakai Town Council in Uganda. I graduated from Makerere University with a bachelor of Physical Planning. I love poetry so much that I decided to teach myself how to write it and it makes me happy to see that my works get published.

Yugo Gabriel Egboluche is a graduate of Geography from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He writes from Anambra State, Nigeria where he works as a Development Practitioner. Together with poetry, he does fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting and copywriting. His works have been published in the Kalahari Review, Praxis Magazine Online, Words, Rhyme & Rhythm and his stories translated into film. His short stories have been published in Experimental Writing, Volume 1, Africa vs Latin American anthology and other webzines. He has also co-authored and edited more than two community development texts and guidebooks.

My name is Zandile Siphamandla Mdluli, a 36 year old female. I was born in Swaziland but currently reside in the Republic of South Africa. I enjoy writing, reading and proof-reading.

Table of Contents/Table des Matières/Tabela de Conteúdos

La presentation

Part 1: Gobal Warming, Environment and Environmentalism

Best “New” African Poets Collaboration (13 poets collaboration: Mmeka, Kapp, Nieuwoudt, Sehloho, Jaison, Mhondera, Tshukudu, Garcia, Ntensibe, Kudyahakudadirwe, Shoko, Mairosi, Mwanaka): As her children fight for her breath
Tendai Rinos Mwanaka (Zimbabwe): It took a Judas
Richard Inya, Nigeria: BURNING
Olabode Olanrewaju ‘R.’, Nigeria: THE RICH GARDEN
Beaton Galafa, Malawi: The Humming Bird
Jambiya, South Africa: A Rebels Cause
Tendai R. Mwanaka, Zimbabwe: Water is Life
Shermain Mannah, South Africa: Women and Struggle (4 haikus)
Mujtaba S. Abubakar, Nigeria: VIRGIN WHITE
Amina Aboje, Nigeria: Sea Waves
Ludo Natefo Chalashika, Botswana: Wallflower
Lemeeze Davids, South Africa: The Botanical Sketches
Eke Christiana Onyinyechi, Nigeria: EARTH’S INTERCOURSE

Part 2: Gender and Gender Identity

Best “New” African Poets Collaboration (18 poets collaboration: Masikonte, Guzha, Tshukudu, Mmeka, Mbambo, Sehloho, Wilcox, Shoko, Kapp, Jaison, Khoza, Owoyemi, Ibrahim, Kudyahakudadirwe, Mhondera, Mwanaka, p’Khisa, Nieuwoudt):  I Am Only Human
Akhona Mlenga, South Africa: LAY ON MY BOSOM
Tracy Pinky Fundira, Zimbabwe: AFRICAN WOMAN!
Tumelo Mogotsi, Botswana: Women like you and me
Lule Raymond, Uganda: BODY OF THORNS
Ludo Natefo Chalashika, Botswana: Mothers.
Lule Raymond, Uganda: NO WAY THROUGH
Sarah Lubalo, DRC/ South Africa: Portrait of a Girl at the Border Wall
Gugulethu Radebe, South Africa: Loss
Akpa Arinzechukwu, Nigeria:  This is Not Meditation – a Eulogy
Joyce Nawiri Mango, Kenya: MY CHOCOLATE SKIN
Tracy Pinky Fundira, Zimbabwe: SO WHAT IF YOU LOVE ME?
Riak Marial Riak, South Sudan: Tomorrow when I move
Richard Mbuthia, Kenya: I refuse to be cowed

Part 3: Poetes, Francophone Africains.

Alain 5 Ba’aba, Cameroon: Textes
Chris Makanda, DRC: La Jeunesse
Nsah Mala, Cameroun: Dans les mains du doute
Armel Mbida, Cameroun: Phulan Dei
Armel Mbida, Cameroun: MÈRE
Armel Mbida, Cameroun: Africa
Prince Eddie Bonaventure, Congo Brazzaville/Italie: Le peuple…Africain
Prince Eddie Bonaventure, Congo Brazzaville/Italie: L’unions… fait la forcé
Nouhr-Dine Akondo, Togo: Absurdes Terreures
Nouhr-Dine Akondo, Togo: Nucléaire
Nouhr-Dine Akondo, Togo: Paix Oligarque
Max Axel Bounda, Gabon: Quand je serai grand
Talia Loemba-Bouity, Congo Brazzaville/ Italie: La saison des roses rouges
Talia Loemba-Bouity, Congo Brazzaville/ Italie: Le Business de la peur
Talia Loemba-Bouity, Congo Brazzaville/ Italie: La Franco-Faux-Lie
Timba Bema, Cameroun/Suisse:  La femme du chemin
Timba Bema, Cameroun/Suisse:  Être personne
Timba Bema, Cameroun/Suisse:  Prière à l’oubliée
Agbemele Kodjo, Togo: Mea-Culpa
Agbemele Kodjo, Togo: J’ai vu
Agbemele Kodjo, Togo: Chez-moi
Ibrahim Aquila, RDC/Uganda: J’arrive
Ibrahim Aquila, RDC/Uganda: Une bougie
Ibrahim Aquila, RDC/Uganda: Enfant d’Afrique
Etchri Efoé Koffi Essénam, Togo: Mon Afrique
Etchri Efoé Koffi Essénam, Togo: Fil du peril
Etchri Efoé Koffi Essénam, Togo: Sanglots

Part 4: Nationalism, Place, Identity, Governance, Colonialism, Corruption, Racism, Migration, Xenophobia, War and Strife                      

Best “New” African Poets Collaboration (15 poets collaboration: Swanson, Tshukudu, Mmeka, Mbambo, Sehloho, Garcia, Ntensibe, Mavolwane, Owoyemi, Ibrahim, Kudyahakudadirwe, Ballot, Mabungu, Mwanaka, Nieuwoudt): Was African Renaissance a rebirth of humanity?
Safiya Hamza Jibrin, Nigeria: The Invaders
Odewumi Joy O, Nigeria: Quiet!
Sibusiso Ernest Masilela, South Africa: Peace in a war
Andrew Nyongesa, Kenya: Nationalism
Awusa Nebafor Beven, Cameroon: Stirring times
Raoul Djimeli, Cameroun: Poem II
Mfon Etina Etina, Nigeria: OUR SUNRISE TALE
Usman Danjuma Osu, Nigeria: CRUCIFY THE RAFT
Daisy May, South Africa: The Uniqueness of Being
Jambiya, South Africa: Along the Amstel
Fiona Khan, South Africa: We are the Children
Usman Danjuma Osu, Nigeria: THE DREAMER
Njabulo Katleho Dlamini, South Africa: Africa
Notsile nkambule, Swaziland: RUN AFRICA, RUN AFRICA
Ravona Naidoo, South Africa: To be African
Adeyemi Daramola, Nigeria: Dare We, Africans!
Tola Ijalusi, Nigeria: USHER AFRICA
Maryam Gatawa, Nigeria: BLACK WOMAN
Lazola Pambo, South Africa: Albino
Akhona Mlenga, South Africa: BEING BLACK
Nalukenge Mugabi Patsy, Uganda: DEAR CHEM(ICAL)
Karin Van Wyk, South Africa: African Woman
Chaun Ballard, USA: Ghazal
Nadine Suliaman, South Africa: Born Free
Success Akpojotor, Nigeria: The Fifth Estate
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto, Nigeria: News
Chenjerai Mhondera, Zimbabwe:  I SEE YOU
Chigbu, Godswill Uchechukwu, Nigeria: BOMB BLESSED
Tsitsi S.A. Sachikonye, Zimbabwe: Refugees
Sarah Lubalo, DRC/ South Africa: 6 Errant Thoughts On Being a Refugee
Maren Bodenstein, South Africa: Refugee
Raoul Djimeli, Cameroun: Poem I
Cherret Leakey Ndiwa, Kenya/Taiwan: African Politician
Ndongolera C. Mwangupili, Malawi: Un-development Treaty of Africa
Abubakar Bappa, Nigeria: FULL OF IRONIES
Lusajo Kalangali, Tanzania: ARE WE HOGS?
Macpherson Okpara, Nigeria: The Gambia
Madu Chisom Kingdavid, Nigeria: The Libyan Boy
Kariuki wa Nyamu, Kenya: That would be very hard for us!
Akpa Arinzechukwu, Nigeria:  Grammar Lesson for My Little Nephew
Wafula p'Khisa, Kenya: Road to Canaan
Madu Chisom Kingdavid, Nigeria: Long Trek In Agadez
Catherine Boulle, South A frica: State of living
Madu Chisom Kingdavid, Nigeria: Sahara and Water Chronicles
Patron Henekou, Togo: Look, you are noT a Sphinx!
Sophia Obi-Apoko, Nigeria: Oloibiri
Solomon Iguanre, Nigeria: TEARFUL LIQUID
Toyota M. Safari, Uganda/Ethiopia: AT LEAST WE HAVE A PRESIDENT
Solomon Iguanre, Nigeria: LET ME A BABY BE
Eke Christiana Onyinyechi, Nigeria: ECHOES OF TEARS

Part 5: Poetas, Lusofonias Africanas

Poema colaborativo (Lorna Telma Zita, Magno Domingos, Daniel Da Purificação and Catia Regina): Minhamãe Africa
Wankanganzau Gaflas, Angola: Meu Kamba fiel Jesus
Branca Clara das Neves, Angola: Poema I
Branca Clara das Neves, Angola: Poema II
Branca Clara das Neves, Angola: Luto
Vicente Ricalo, Cabo Verde/Cuba: Um mar, duas ilhas
Maria Azancot de Menezes, São Tomé/Angola/Portugal: Recado sobre São Tomé
Maria Azancot de Menezes, São Tomé/Angola/Portugal: Que fera ma promesse
Rubens de Souza Fernandes, Angola/Brasil: Da escravidão ao voto cidadão
Mavenda Nuni y’Áfrika, Angola: Água da fonte
Lorna Telma Zita, Moçambique: Ingrato
Lorna Telma Zita, Moçambique: Aprendi
Lorna Telma Zita, Moçambique: Mamã
Wilton dos Zicas, Moçambique: Madjonidjone
Wilton dos Zicas, Moçambique: Rosto Mais Que Perfeito
Job Sipitali, Angola: …O mito da cor…
Job Sipitali, Angola: …Inércia…
Job Sipitali, Angola: …A gramática e a Zungueira…
Arlindo Mendonça Andrade, Cabo Verde: Cabo Verde
Lobitino Almeida N’gola, Angola/Portugal: Negro-Rubra
Lobitino Almeida N’gola, Angola/Portugal: Destempo
Lobitino Almeida N’gola, Angola/Portugal: Lobito
Mutume Reis Manjate, Moçambique: Romantismo Selvagem
Mutume Reis Manjate, Moçambique: P-R-I-M-A-V-E-R-A
Gabriel Sanpêra, Angola/Brasil: O bebê preto no boabá
Gabriel Sanpêra, Angola/Brasil: Café
Magno Domingos, Angola: Querido Tirano
Magno Domingos, Angola: A sentença da insensatez
Magno Domingos, Angola: Preciso ser gente outra vez
Luciano Canhanga, Angola: À Pedra
Luciano Canhanga, Angola: Poeta Farrapo
Luciano Canhanga, Angola: Mãe invisual
Evanilson S. de Almeida, Angola/Brasil: Tambores D’Africa
Evanilson S. de Almeida, Angola/Brasil: Musa Iemanjá Capitu – Tieta
Evanilson S. de Almeida, Angola/Brasil: Livro Negro
Hilton Daniel, Angola: É-me escudo
Hilton Daniel, Angola: O meu medo
Hilton Daniel, Angola: Há’inda brilho nas velas
Domingos Cupa, Angola: No teu adeus
Domingos Cupa, Angola: Ainda que…
Daniel da Purificação, Angola/ México: Poema I
Daniel da Purificação, Angola/ México: Poema II
Daniel da Purificação, Angola/ México: Poema III

Part 6: Culture, Language, Literature, Writing, Poetry and Art

Alexander Opicho, Kenya: Knowledge Oases
Daisy May, South Africa: The lessons learned from books
Agbabiaka,Tariq O, Nigeria: Untold Stories
Tiwaladeoluwa Adekunle, Nigeria: mother tongue
Toyin SHITTU, Nigeria: Celebrating death of our tongues
Dada Dare Babatunde, Nigeria: UMKHOSI woMHLANGA
Oyoo Mboya, Kenya: Birthed and Bruised
Reuben Kehinde Akano, Nigeria: Our Avatar
Kirsten Miller, South Africa: For the Jester
Reuben Kehinde Akano, Nigeria: Refrains of Orunmila
Kirsten Miller, South Africa: For the Novelist
Reuben Kehinde Akano, Nigeria: For the Talakawa poet @70
Kirsten Miller, South Africa: For the Poet
Neeli Cherkovski, USA: I WANT TO BE A DEAD POET
Brighton Muponda, Zimbabwe: I am the Poet
Beloved Maridzanyere, Zimbabwe: POET SPEAK!
Amara Sesay, Sierra leorne/Nigeria: this poem shall not die again
Fethi Sassi, Tunisia: As the rose night that know me
Usman Danjuma Osu, Nigeria: ANOTHER RESOLVE
Jovita Ekene Nwanesi, Nigeria: Have you ever tasted a raw Poem?
Daisy May, South Africa: Bleed
Dorcas Wairuri Maina, Kenya: BLISS
Raymond Abiona, Nigeria: US
Anton Krueger, South Africa: …seraphine…

Part 7: Life, Death, Hubris, Spirituality, Religious, Inspirational and Existential Individuation

Yugo Gabriel Egboluche, Nigeria: Star Gazing
Akpa Arinzechukwu, Nigeria:  Unwanted
Lemeeze Davids, South Africa: Forward
Paul Zietsman, South Africa: The Monster Becomes Knight
Bolutife Bankole, Nigeria: Plunging into the dark night
Maryam Gatawa, Nigeria: SILVER NIGHT
Bolutife Bankole, Nigeria: Plunging into the dark night II
Allan Kolski Horwitz, South Africa: BRINGING FORTH
Sophia Obi-Apoko, Nigeria: Mask
Riak Marial Riak, South Sudan: Heart that leaks
Elemide Benjamin, Nigeria: MOVEMENT
Kwaku Dade, Ghana: FLY FREE
Richard Inya, Nigeria: LIVE FOR TOMORROW
Roy Venketsamy, South Africa: BEAUTY LIES WITHIN
Richard Mbuthia, Kenya: Empty Yourself
Solomon Bright Dankwa, Ghana: KEEP WALKING
Success Akpojotor, Nigeria: x is God
Mzomuhle Mkhabela, Swaziland: I SURRENDER ALL
Jephtha Odiwuor Oketch, Kenya: I’M CHRISTIAN AND BLACK
Maryam Gatawa, Nigeria: VANITY
Ndongolera C. Mwangupili, Malawi: The Genesis
Eke Christiana Onyinyechi, Nigeria: WE CAN SEE THE FUTURE
Ntensibe Joseph, Uganda: THE RAIN GODDESS
NURENI Ibrahim, Nigeria: … inside the iroko trees
Alade Toheeb Oluwatoyin, Nigeria: ANCESTRAL FETTERS
Adeyemi Daramola, Nigeria: How Dare You, An African Child?
Akor Emmanuel Oche, Nigeria: Elegy for a Dying Warrior
Olawale Ibiyemi, Nigeria: Lyric of Death
Richard Inya, Nigeria: SCATTERED
Raoul Djimeli, Cameroun: Poem III
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto, Nigeria: A Vanishing World

Part 8: Memories, Personal, Conversational

Abigail George, South Africa: Woman with the graceful neck
Badradeen Mohammed, Sudan/UK: Sitting on the ruins of memory
Arja Salafranca, South Africa: On the Gautrain
Elemide Benjamin, Nigeria: MY SCARS
Christine Coates, South Africa:  Dreaming of Soccer
Olawale Ibiyemi, Nigeria: many men
Raymond Abiona, Nigeria: BEGIN
Olawale Ibiyemi, Nigeria: these memories are not mine
Catherine Boulle, South Africa: Indulgences
Ayomide Odewumi Mitchelle, Nigeria: Voices
Andrew Nyongesa, Kenya: Tick
Grace Amina Okoliko, Nigeria: Bellows of a maimed fellow
Nalukenge Mugabi Patsy, Uganda: AS SILLY AS HONESTY
Amara Sesay, Seira leorne/Nigeria: Farting
Andrew Nyongesa, Kenya: At the Junction

Part 9: Home, Family, Relationships, Love

Babajide Michael Olusegun, Nigeria: 2 African Haiku
Tembi Charles, Zimbabwe/USA; Once a Village but No More
Allan Kolski Horwitz, South Africa: No doubt
Mercy Gerald Chang'a, Tanzania: HOME IS HOME
Allan Kolski Horwitz, South Africa: BOXING DAY BLUES IN BELLEVUE EAST
Ogunkoya Samuel, Nigeria: IBADAN CORPER
Samuel Nyachiro Kegwaro, Kenya: My Neighbourhood
Serugga Rodney William, Uganda: Sailor
Oka Benard Osahon, Nigeria: SEASONS OF HOME
Raymond Abiona, Nigeria: HOME.
Akor Emmanuel Oche, Nigeria: Finding Home in Six Broken Definitions
Ifeoluwa Ayandele, Nigeria: Painting Home
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto, Nigeria: Our Home
Gabla Godwin, Ghana: A LETTER TO MY MOTHER
Busisiwe Mahlangu, South Africa: IF YOUR FATHER WAS A NIGHTMARE
Sarah Lubalo, DRC/ South Africa: Notes on Black Death and Elegy
Anton Krueger, South Africa: My Sister Sonia
Songeziwe Mahlangu, South Africa: eBhofolo
Anton Krueger, South Africa: Uncle Noodle
Busisiwe Mahlangu, South Africa: FATHERS WHO ARE WATER
Tiwaladeoluwa Adekunle, Nigeria: Self-Portraits in Water
Anene Anne, Kenya: WEDLOCK
Fethi Sassi, Tunisia: Kid of lightning
Biola Olatunde, Nigeria: When we met
Arja Salafranca, South Africa: Hearing yesterday’s thoughts
Biola Olatunde, Nigeria: HE LISTENED
Matthew Hartdegen, South Africa: As you dance
Oyoo Mboya, Kenya: Ocean of Sand
Matthew Hartdegen, South Africa: Do the buds ever?
Zandile Siphamandla Mdluli, Swaziland: A dying love
Tsitsi S.A. Sachikonye, Zimbabwe: Heart-sick
Butho Nkosi, Zimbabwe: Bullet holes in her soul
Matthew Hartdegen, South Africa: Losing the healing
Lucas Zulu, South Africa: Things I never told you
Arja Salafranca, South Africa: You will know me when I’m a little worn
Archie Swanson, South Africa:  bag lady
Dennis Brad Kunguru, Kenya: Tell me
Yaweh Samuel Kabanda, Uganda: SHAMMAH PART I
Eniola Olaosebikan, Nigeria: Me in the mirror.
Safiya Hamza Jibrin, Nigeria: Sakun Lalle
Jephtha Odiwuor Oketch, Kenya: I MET PARADOX
Amina Aboje, Nigeria: Lost
Ludo Natefo Chalashika, Botswana: A movement of colour.
Olisaemeka Gerald Njoku, Nigeria:  LOVE
Amani Nsemwa, Tanzania: SECRET LOVER
Sophia Obi-Apoko, Nigeria: Echoes in the Heart
Nsubuga Ishaka, Uganda: DOVE LOVE
Catia Solange da Silva, Angola: Squizzing you
Tumelo Mogotsi, Botswana: Kisses from married men
Vincent Edward Manda, UK: African Desert Stars

Part 10: The “Zimbabwe We Want Compaign” Poets

Sydney Haile Saize, Zimbabwe: ODE FROM A MILITANT PATRIOT
Sydney Haile Saize, Zimbabwe: HIS OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC
Mbizo Chirasha, Zimbabwe: MADAME (satire)
Philani Amadeus Nyoni, Zimbabwe: HELL's FUGITIVES
Wilson Waison, Zimbabwe: DIS GRACE
Wilson Waison, Zimbabwe: Shipwreck
Nyashadzashe Chikumbu, Zimbabwe: SOCIAL CH-A-I-N-S
Nyashadzashe Chikumbu, Zimbabwe: VOICES
Blessing .T.Masenga, Zimbabwe: THEIR TRUE TESTIMONY IS UPON THEIR OWN EPITAPHS                            
Blessing .T.Masenga, Zimbabwe: HARVEST OF THORNS
E.H. Langeveldt, Zimbabwe: The DANCE WITH A DEVIL
Silibaziso SK .Chuka , Zimbabwe: UNDERWEAR
Silibaziso SK .Chuka , Zimbabwe: NOW I SHALL SPEAK
S Kojo Frimpong, Ghana: THE OLD EFFIG
Barbara Mhangami, Zimbabwe/USA:  MAY FIRE CONSUME YOU!

Part 11: Translational

Nsah Mala, Cameroon: BUHSE
Saka Aliyu, Nigeria: Afọkansi
Saka Aliyu, Nigeria: Labẹ Aja
Saka Aliyu, Nigeria: Suurulere
Mildred Jaricha, Zimbabwe: KODA KUYEDZA    
Mildred Jaricha, Zimbabwe: MUNOONEI SEKURU    
Oscar Gwiriri, Zimbabwe: Mutatsi
Oscar Gwiriri, Zimbabwe: Mabiko
Oscar Gwiriri, Zimbabwe: Ndokunyora!
Juan Riochí Siafá, Guiné Equatiorale: AL VIAJAR EN BARCO
Juan Riochí Siafá, Guiné Equatiorale: MALDITO EXILIO
Juan Riochí Siafá, Guiné Equatiorale: MIS ORÍGENES
Mojalefa Samson Mlambo, South Africa: Mokwadi
Mojalefa Samson Mlambo, South Africa: Semakaleng
Mojalefa Samson Mlambo, South Africa: Mma-Lefatshe
Nwachukwu Emmanuel, Nigeria: OJINWAYO
Monica Owoko, Kenya: MASIRA KINDAKI
Mof’Oluwawo O MojolaOluwa, Nigeria: OMONIYI
Adjei Agyei-Baah, Ghana: Man of the Millennium
Adjei Agyei-Baah, Ghana: America
Alexander Vicent Mushi, Tanzania: USILIE MAMA
Hannes Koekemoer, South Africa: n Man soos my Pa
Hannes Koekemoer, South Africa: Is ek dan nog goed Christen Heer
Hannes Koekemoer, South Africa: Vroue

Part 13: Poetics, Reviews, Interviews, Appreciation of Best New African Poets 2016 Anthology

An interview with Michael Ochoki: Interviewed by Tendai R. Mwanaka
Entrevista com o Magno Tony Domingos: Interviewed by Tendai R. Mwanaka
Write Up on Johannesburg Reading of Best New African Poets June 2017: Afau Wilcox
Report on the Poetry reading co-hosted by IALA and the Department of English, University of Zimbabwe, 7 July 2017: Ushehwedu Kufakurinani, Chairperson of IALA


We continue with our series of this comprehensive anthology of African poets with a new beautiful offering of the Best “New” African Poets 2017 Anthology. This is the third in a continuing series and there is no other African anthology of its kind published in Africa or the world over that can compare with this anthology as this anthology goes a further step than any other in trying to capture what Africa really looks like, thinks, believes, wants…, as the anthology tries to cover every part of Africa, be it Portuguese speaking Africa,  English speaking Africa, French speaking Africa, Indigenous African language speakers,etc  In this year’s anthology we have about 191 poets, 338 poems/translations and articles on poetry, in 13 African languages (English, Portuguese, French, Shona, Afrikaans, Kiswahili, Yoruba, Igbo, Akan Twi, Setswana, Mbesa, Dholuo and Spanish). We have poems from 40 African countries and the Diasporas with Nigerian poets dominating but we also have substantial entries from Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Angola and Uganda. With the rest of the poems coming from African poets based in Togo, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cuba, Mexico, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, Tanzania, Ghana, DRC, Congo Brazzaville, Taiwan, Korea, China, UK, France, USA,  Gabon, Ethiopia, Switzerland, South Sudan, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Cabo Verde, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda,  São Tomé, Brazil and Mozambique.

They cover the whole spectrum of human noise from anxiety over global warming and environmental issues, love, relationships, family, spirituality, life, death,  memories, personal, racism, xenophobia, politics, governance, migration, nationalism, identity, place, home, gender, culture, language, literature, poetry, art and writing. We have created some groupings of the poems using subject matter and language, and each group can even work as a chapbook or collection around the issues it deals with.

The attitude around the whole exercise is to allow creativity to abound and that’s why we continue to let the poets curve the direction this anthology will go each year. We have also continued with our collaborative approach to this anthology bridging from the ones we did last year. This year we have 4 collaborations of at least 4 poets each writing the same poem. These would help us to focus on pertinent issues that are important in advancing development on the continent. We have collaborations on Gender and gender identity where we tackled the hot topic on Gay rights, Women rights, Men’s rights. The second collaboration is on global warming and environmental issues, seeing that humanity is grappling with the effects of unbridled mismanagement and destruction of the environment that has resulted in increase in global warming, melting of Arctic ice, recurrent droughts and shortage of water… In the third collaboration we dealt with migration, racism, strife, and bad governance issues bedeviling Africa. In the fourth collaboration, which is in Portuguese, we wrote around issues to do with Africa as a home for humanity, praising its cultures and beauty.

We also look back to the past anthology by hosting two interviews from the previous contributors, two writings on two readings we did in Johannesburg and Harare of the previous anthologies in 2017. And another section focuses on one particular African country that created a lot of noise, Zimbabwe. In this year we saw a military coup that fooled the whole world thus the world’s oldest president ever-was forced to leave his position. We have Zimbabwean poets under the theme, “The Zimbabwe We Want Campaign”, collected around Zimbabwe’s political problems by one of the contributors, Mbizo Chirasha, who is also the creator of this campaign.

We have done our part to produce this anthology. Now that it’s out there, it is upto each and every one of us to buy a copy, promote it, collect it, support it, read it, celebrate it. We encourage collectors to collect this anthology and its predecessors as this anthology can be the only one that really represent and speak for Africa at every level you can think of.

La presentation

Voici la suite denotresérie de cetteanthologie comprehensive despoètesAfricains avec une nouvelle belle offre de l’Anthologie des meilleurs« nouveaux »poètesAfricains 2017.C’est la troisièmedans une série en cours et iln’y a pas une autreanthologieafricainesemblableéditée en Afriqueoudans le monde entierquiprends un pas de plus en essayantd’exprimercommentl’Afrique se présente, pense, croit, veut …, car cetteanthologieessaie de couvrirtoutes les parties de l’Afrique, ceux et cellesquiécrivent en portugais, en anglais, en français, en langues locales africaines, etc. Dansl’anthologie de cetteannée, nouscomptonsenvirons 191 poètes, 338 poèmes/traductions et articles sur la poésie, en 13 languesafricaines (anglais, portugais, français, shona, afriakaans, kiswahili, yoruba, igbo, akan-twi, setswana, mbesa, dholuo et espagnol). Les poèmescouvrent 40 paysafricains et la diasporaafricaine, avec les poetes Nigeriansquidominent, maisily’aaussi descontributionssignificativesvenant du Kenya, de l’Afrique du Sud, du Zimbabwe, du Cameroun, de l’Angola et de l’Ouganda. Le reste de ces poèmesviennent des poètesAfricainsrésidantau Togo, en Italie, en Espagne, au Portugal, au Cuba, auMexique, auBotswana, auLesotho, auSwaziland, au Malawi, en Tanzanie, au Ghana, en RDC, au Congo Brazzaville, auTaïwan, en Corée, en Chine, auRoyaume-Uni, en France, auxEtats-Unis, auGabon, en Ethiopie, en Suisse, auSoudan du Sud, auSoudan, en GuinéeEquatoriale, au Cabo-Verde, en Tunisie, en Sierra Leone, auRwanda, au Sao Tomé et Principe, auBrésil et en Mozambique.

Ilscouvrenttoute la gamme du bruithumain de l'anxiété sur le réchauffementclimatique et les questionsenvironnementales, l’amour, les relations, la famille, la spiritualité, la vie, la mort, les souvenirs, le personnel, le racisme, la xénophobie, la politique, la gouvernance, la migration, le nationalisme, l’identité, le lieu, la maison, le genre, la culture, la langue, la littérature, la poésie, l’art et l’écriture. Nousavonscrééquelquesgroupes de poèmes en utilisant le sujet et la langue, et chaquegroupepeutmêmefonctionnercomme un livre de poche ou une collectionautour des questionsqu'il aborde.

L'attitudeautour de toutl'exerciceest de permettre à la créativitéd'êtreabondante et c'estpourquoinouscontinuons à laisser les poètesdéterminer la direction que cetteanthologieprendchaqueannée. Nousavonségalementpoursuivinotreapprochecollaborative de cetteanthologie, en comparaisonaveccelles que nousavonsréaliséesl'annéedernière. Cetteannée nous avons 4 collaborations d'aumoins 4 poètes qui écriventchacun le mêmepoème.Cela nous aiderait à nous concentrer sur les questions pertinentes qui sontimportantes pour faire avancer le développement sur le continent. Nous avons des collaborations sur le genre etl'identité de genre où nous avonsabordé le sujetbrûlant sur les droits des homosexuels, les droits des femmes, les droits des hommes. La deuxièmecollaboration porte sur le réchauffement de la planète et les questionsenvironnementales, étantdonnéque l'humanitéestauxprisesavec les effets de la mauvaisegestiondébridée et de la destruction de l'environnementquientraînent une augmentation du réchauffementclimatique, la fonte de la glace, des sécheressesrécurrentes et une pénuried'eau. Dans la troisièmecollaboration, nousavonstraité de la migration, du racisme, des conflits et des problèmes de mauvaisegouvernancequitourmententl'Afrique. Dans la quatrièmecollaboration, quiest en portugais, nousavonsécritautour desquestionsrelatives à l'Afrique en tant que foyer de l'humanité, faisantl'éloge de ses cultures et de sabeauté.

Nousrevenonségalement sur l'anthologiepassée en accueillantdeux interviews des contributeursprécédents, deuxécrits sur deuxlectures que nousavonsfaites à Johannesburg et à Harare des anthologiesprécédentes en 2017. Et une autresection se concentre sur un paysafricainparticulierqui a créébeaucoup de bruit, le Zimbabwe. Cetteannée, nousavonsassisté à un coupd'Etatmilitairequi a dupé le monde entier. Le plus vieuxprésident du monde a doncétéobligé de quitter son poste. Nousavons des poèteszimbabwéenssous le thème «La campagne du Zimbabwe que nousvoulons», recueillieautour des problèmespolitiques du Zimbabwe par l'un des contributeurs, Mbizo Chirasha, quiestaussi le créateur de cettecampagne.

Nousavonsfaitnotrepart en produisantcetteanthologie. Maintenantqu’elleest disponible, c'est à chacun et chacuned'entrenousd'enacheter une copie, de la promouvoir, de la retirer, de la soutenir, de la lire, de la célébrer. Nousencourageons les collectionneurs à collectionnercetteanthologie et sesprédécesseurs car cetteanthologiepeutêtre la seulequireprésente et parle vraimentpourl'Afrique à tous les niveaux que vouspouvezimaginer.

*translation into French by Nsah Mala


Continuamos com nossa série desta extensa antologia de poetas africanos com uma nova e bela oferta dos Melhores “Novos” Poetas Africanos 2017 Antologia. Este é o terceiro de uma série contínua e não existe nenhuma outra antologia africana destegénero publicada na África ou em qualquer outra parte do mundo, que possa comparar com esta antologia, uma vez que esta vai mais longe do que qualquer outra na tentativa de capturar o que África realmente parece, pensa, acredita, quer ..., como a antologia tenta cobrir todas as partes da África, seja a África de língua portuguesa, a África de língua inglesa, a África francófona, oradores de línguas africana indígena etc ... Na antologia deste ano, temos cerca de 191 poetas, 338 poemas / traduções e artigos sobre poesia, em 13 línguas africanas (Inglês, Português, Francês, Shona, Africâner, Kiswahili, Yoruba, Igbo, Akan Twi, Setswana, Mbesa, Dholuo e Espanhol). Temos poemas de 40 países africanos e as diásporas com poetas nigerianos dominando, mas também temos entradas substanciais do Quênia, África do Sul, Zimbábue, Camarões, Angola e Uganda. Com o resto dos poemas provenientes de poetas africanos com sede em Togo, Itália, Espanha, Portugal, Cuba, México, Botswana, Lesoto, Suazilândia, Malawi, Tanzânia, Gana, RDC, Congo Brazzaville, Taiwan, Coréia, China, Reino Unido, França EUA, Gabão, Etiópia, Suíça, Sudão do Sul, Sudão, Guiné Equatorial, Cabo Verde, Tunísia, Seira Leoa, Ruanda, São Tomé, Brasil e Moçambique.

Eles cobrem todo o espectro das moções humanas, da ansiedade sobre o aquecimento global e questões ambientais, amor, relacionamentos, família, espiritualidade, vida, morte, memórias, pessoais, racismo, xenofobia, política, governança, migração, nacionalismo, identidade, local, lar , género, cultura, linguagem, literatura, poesia, arte e escrita. Nós criamos alguns agrupamentos de poemas usando assunto e linguagem, e cada grupo pode até funcionar como um livro ou coleção em torno dos problemas que ele trata.

A atitude em torno de todo o exercício é permitir que a criatividade abunde e é por isso que continuamos a deixar os poetas curvar a direção que esta antologia adopta a cada ano. Nós também continuamos com a nossa abordagem colaborativa para esta antologia, que foi feita a partir daquelas que fizemos no ano passado. Este ano, temos 4 colaborações de pelo menos 4 poetas cada um escrevendo o mesmo poema. Isso nos ajudaria a nos concentrar em questões pertinentes que são importantes no avanço do desenvolvimento no continente. Temos colaborações sobre género e identidade de género, onde abordamos o tema quente sobre direitos dos homossexuais, direitos das mulheres e o direitos dos homens. A segunda colaboração é sobre o aquecimento global e as questões ambientais, visto que a humanidade está lidando com os efeitos de uma má gestão desenfreada e destruição do meio ambiente que resultou em aumento do aquecimento global, derretimento do gelo ártico, secas recorrentes e escassez de água ... Terceira colaboração, lidamos com as questões de migração, racismo, conflitos e problemas de governação inadequada. Na quarta colaboração, que é em português, escrevemos em torno de questões relacionadas com a África como lar para a humanidade, louvando suas culturas e beleza

Nós também olhamos para a antologia do passado ao hospedar duas entrevistas dos contribuintes anteriores, dois escritos sobre duas leituras que fizemos em Joanesburgo e Harare das antologias anteriores em 2017. E outra seção se concentra em um país africano particular do qual muito se falou nos últimos tempos, Zimbabwe. Neste ano, vimos um golpe militar que enganou o mundo inteiro, de modo que o presidente mais antigo do mundo, sempre, foi forçado a deixar sua posição. Nós temos poetas zimbabueanos sob o tema, A Campanha do " The Zimbabwe We Want", coletada em torno dos problemas políticos do Zimbábue por um dos contribuintes, Mbizo Chirasha, que também é o criador desta campanha.

Fizemos a nossa parte para produzir esta antologia. Agora que está lançada ao público, cabe a cada um de nós comprar uma cópia, promovê-la, colectá-la, apoiá-la, lê-la, celebrá-la. Incentivamos os colecionadores a colecionar esta antologia e as suas predecessoras, já que esta antologia pode ser a única que realmente representa e fala pela África em todos os níveis que você pode pensar.

*translation into Portuguese by Magno Domingos

Part 1: Global Warming, Environment and Environmentalism

As her children fight for her breath
(13 poets collaboration: Mmeka, Kapp, Nieuwoudt, Sehloho, Jaison, Mhondera, Tshukudu, Garcia, Ntensibe, Kudyahakudadirwe, Shoko, Mairosi, Mwanaka)

Chuma Mmeka:
I sat in the bowels of the city
Noise and bustle hustled about me
Man and machine stood by in several,
Fuming, spitting smoking fire at the sun
The tall vexed sun from far above us
Hissed a not-so-golden violent rage
And from out of season came a pour
A thundering torrent of a treacherous rain
Sand and sooth scourged our skins
A nemesis of civilization from nature


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